A Book that Shouldn't be a Secret: A Book Review on The Name of This Book is Secret

in Hive Book Club7 months ago


Konnichiwa Hivers! It's your one and only ridgette again, and I just want to ask you something: Has your friend or someone close to you entrusted you with a secret? Or have you ever heard a secret (accidentally eavesdrop or you really eavesdrop)? Well, for today, I'm going to share with all of you a book review on a dangerous book. You've read it right; it's a dangerous book. If you wanted to read further, then probably I need to warn you, for this book isn't all about an ordinary book. Consider yourself warned.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.


Fine. I know you're curious. I mean, who would fret to warn readers just because of a book review, right? To answer your question, no, this book review isn't dangerous, nor is the book itself (unless you throw it really hard at someone, which is a possibility that shouldn't be underestimated). Honestly, books don't cause much harm, except when you read them. Books give you ideas, and not all of them are pleasant. Also, books can provoke emotions, and most of us homo sapiens are slaves to emotions. Emotions led us to commit things that we usually don't do, and these are the things we later regret. Anyways, the main reason why I warned you isn't all about the book or book review; the main reason is that it contains something that you shouldn't probably need to know. It contains a secret. A big one.


So how did I stumble upon this book? Well, to tell you honestly, just like you now, I'm also curious. The book cover was really intriguing, and I also wanted to know the real name of this book. It turns out that the name of this book is really The Name of This Book is Secret. Yeah, I feel quite dumb for failing to understand the author's quip. Anyway, after realizing my blunder, I also realized another thing, and it's that I couldn't stop reading it anymore. I'm so engrossed reading this book to the point that I stayed up late at night just to finish (just like my Percy Jackson and the Olympians series reading era). I've really finished it quickly because.....well, that's a secret for now. If you're really curious and you really want to know, just scroll up and read (of 'course, if you're interested and ready to be spoiled!).

About the Book


Why do I write under such awful circumstances?
Wouldn't it be better to scrap this book altogether and do something else?
Oh, I could give you all kinds of reasons.
I could tell you that I write this book so you will learn from the mistakes of others. I could tell you that, as dangerous as writing this book is, it would be even more dangerous not to write it.
But the real reason is nothing so glorious. It's very simple.
I can't keep a secret. Never could.
I hope you have better luck.

The Name of This Book is Secret is the first book in the Secret Series. It was published in 2007 by Little, Brown and Company. It was written by Pseudonymous Bosch, and upon reading his name, I was quite skeptical if that name was his real name, so I searched for his name on the internet. It turns out that my hunch is right: Pseudonymous Bosch is just his pen name because his real name is Raphael Simon. This book is all about the perilous adventure of the two eleven-year-old misfits, who were both extraordinary in their own ways.


Navigating through a series of unfortunate events and places, they found things that led them to the gradual unraveling of the mystery behind the peculiar death of the magician. The things that they only have that could possibly help them are: the missing (possibly dead?) magician's diary, a symphony of smells (suspicious), and a great dose of curiosity and courage. Will these be enough to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the lone magician? Or will these things only lead them to a great danger—a deadly secret with the evil villains that also seek it? Feel free to stop reading if you don't want to be spoiled further. But if you're really curious, then proceed.

How It Started


The story started with an apology from the author because he couldn't disclose the real names of the characters in the story, where it took place, or when it all happened. So technically, it started in Chapter 2, where Cassandra (this is not her real name because her real name is secret) was introduced. The author decided to give her that cover name because she is an expert in all things that are terrible (like the Greek myth prophet Cassandra of ancient Troy), and she sees evidence of them everywhere. Cassandra is a typical eleven-year-old kid, and her distinguishing feature is that she has rather large, pointy ears (which will be explained in the next book—wait, maybe next next book, ok, I forgot it by now, but I'm certain that the reason will be revealed in the next books in the secret series). Cass looks like a normal girl (excluding her pointy ear, which she usually hides), but only more practical. She was, after all, a self-proclaimed survivalist.


On the other hand, the other misfit was also introduced, and he was Max-Ernest. Unlike Cassandra, Max-Ernest isn't the typical eleven-year-old kid, for technically, he always stood up (even though he is small). Aside from his peculiar appearance (his hair is quite odd because, like a cartoon character that's been electrocuted, it always stands up), he also has a peculiar passion, which is to make jokes. You see, Max-Ernest is an aspiring stand-up comedian, but unfortunately, none of his classmates seemed to understand his humor. Seeing an opportunity to test his new joke, Max-Ernest approached Cassandra, who's busy digging their schoolyard, searching for the alleged toxic waste dump underneath their school.


He introduced himself to Cassandra, and he immediately tested out his joke. Cassandra pointed out that his joke doesn't make sense, and that shocked him. He was used to being ridiculed and teased, but never before had anyone told him that he didn't make sense. He prided himself on his logical mind, so he vehemently disagreed with what Cassandra had said. Cassandra pointed out that jokes aren't supposed to be logical, but later on she seemed to sense that she made him upset, so she tried to soothe him by assuring him that maybe he hadn't found the right joke yet, and that interaction started the adventure of these two misfits, and this would later lead them to find a secret, but is this secret really worth finding out?

How It Ended


Overcoming the dangerous trials of the Midnight Sun, Cassandra and Max-Ernest thought that it was all over, but it's far from that, actually. The author entitled the chapter The Denouement, yet the chapter itself did not resolve anything. Rather, it will raise many questions, and it might even contain a surprise or two. It's like a prologue for the next book in the secret series (the author insisted on calling the last chapter denouement because it sounds French and sophisticated). Anyway, going back to how this story started, it started on the day of Wednesday, and somehow it also ended on Wednesday. Unlike their first tea ritual, there were additions and a special guest for that day.


Just in the middle of their tea ritual, Gloria (the probate specialist who gave them the box that contains the magician's belongings) arrived. She gave them another box, and of course Cassandra excitedly volunteered to open it up. She immediately inspected the box for some mysterious things, but to her disappointment, it only contained dishware. She felt dejected, for she'd been hoping to find something. She was about to give up when Sebastian (their blind dog, who has an excellent sense of smell) sniffed the box and wagged its tail vigorously. She picked it up and peeked underneath, but still, it contained nothing. Nonetheless, there's something unusual about the box. It's still heavy even though it's already empty, and when she put the box down, she inspected it from the inside.


This time, she discovered that it has a false bottom. Hidden beneath the cardboard were two packages wrapped in paper and tied with string. They were addressed to them (the larger one for Cassandra and the smaller one for Max-Ernest). The arrival of those packages somehow started their new journey as new individuals (not literally), for they're not the usual kids that they used to be anymore. They are now again invited to embark on an adventure—only that it's more dangerous and hazardous. The stakes are higher, and once they enlist themselves, there's no turning back because that will be too late.

Hopefully not.


Overall, the book is really quirky and entertaining. The characters were snarky yet charming, and even though it's narrated from a third-person point of view, the author was able to pleasingly deliver the characters emotions. It's something that will not disappoint the readers because the story and the characters are engaging. The story will really haunt your mind (not because it's something haunting) because of its compelling plot and equally engaging dialogues. So if you're looking for a compelling yet snarky-humored story, then your search is over. The Name of This Book is Secret is definitely for you, and I rate it 4/5.

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That's all for now, bookworms. See you again next time for my next book review—and take note, it's not spoiler-free!


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I also like reading books wow it's amazing:)

Books are really amazing things, for you can learn a lot of things from them...

This book looks really fun, I always love when they go outside the box with the graphics!

Exactly, the cover and the graphics really intrigued me so I decided to give it a try, and it's definitely worth it!