Behold: A Noob Reader Starts Reading

Reading a book is weird. Especially one that is psychological – I'm not talking about the genre that's supposed to make you book a trip to the therapist – literally psychological; about your mind. My mind.

The book I'm reading is KRISHNAMURTI FOR BEGINNERS - An Anthology
No, I'm not enthusiastically screaming its name. It's written like that on the cover. I dunno why.
I also don't know what an anthology is. For some reason it reminds me of a deer.

Oh, antlers.

It's subtle, unlike its cover text. Currently, I'm just reading it as if someone's testing my reading skills: without comprehension. Though, I think I understand some parts.

If you're a book reading expert, I'd love to hear from you that it gets progressively better and easier to understand books. If it doesn't, please don't comment.

Originally, I wanted to read The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy. I remembered great reviews about it outta nowhere one day. So, I head to the library behind my house and become a member. Only to find out they don't have that book. Unlike you, I wasn't surprised. 23 years were enough to figure out my luck wasn't very good.
I was surprised a meteor didn't strike down the library the moment I decided to make my journey.

Making the best of what was at hand, I picked up 2 books (and another one today) which happened to be the one I mentioned earlier enthusiastically, and TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN. THAT'S RIGHT! THAT BOOK.
This was also in all caps.

Publishers needs to be taught about texting manners.

The one I brought today is titled MISERY by Stephen King. I bet the sequal is NOOSE: HOW TO TIE IT.

I don't think I'm reading these books right. It feels like a chore. I think my imagination isn't firing up like it's supposed to and taking me to Narnia in my mind.
What do you think about reading?

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