Recently i was in a yard for playing a little of football and I always have been seeing this beautiful little man with a old man, around 75 years old apparently, could be his father yes of course but not, i taking with him and told me he is my grand son, and this is not problem, is normal seeing the grandparents share and enjoying his grand son, because some parents could been working hard to give to the children all the best, gifts, good education, toys, all.
But what happens when you see the grand parents with his grand son during Saturday or Sunday late , where are the parents of this child, maybe they are working, until weekend late for get enough money for paying the bills, or maybe same as my friend told me the other days, hey i need time with my wife because after been parents we were couple, it is razonable, but when you have a child, you need to forget you and spend the mostly hight quantity and quality of time with him of her, because sometimes you must spending all your time as soon as possible.
My friend told me hey during week me and my wife go to the hotel, and spend time together, for have a strong marriage relationship, and they forget the child in home, the child are with nany, spend time with nany, how it is possible, I remember my dad always when was possible, when mom was sick, he take care of his children, prepared food, he was play with us and all his time was for us, he do not thinking in i need time for me, or hey sister pleased take care of my children, I need to stay good with me and spending time with my friends, no never.
The new generation have been forgetting their responsibility, they want to have a children and continues as nothing happens, and sorry my friends, when a child come to your life forget you and you need to stay with him or her all your free time.
This was one of the reason why in the past the young guys are bad person, they only see their parents, do not spending time with they.
Have you a child? welcome to the responsibility in your new rol and assume the responsibility, do not forget it.
The money is important in the life of all of us, but remember buddy, your child do not remember ho much money do you spend in your toys, they will remember how many time do you share with him.
English mistakes were made by myself.
Each son or daughter requires his or her own time.
It's easy to waste time when it flies and no one can be chopped in half to be everywhere.
We have to do what we can with the time we have.
You're right, they have children and leave them to their parents to take care of them and the saddest thing is that these people are already old and are too tired to take care of a child full of energy.
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