Quick Pickled Lentil Salad & Black Pepper Potato Fritters

in Plant Power (Vegan)6 months ago (edited)

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

I hope you're having a great day!

You don't always have to wait for week to enjoy a delicious pickle; a couple of hours will do. There's the possibility of making quick and easy pickles that can brighten up mealtime, especially if you want to eat something healthy after a day of overindulgence 🙈

Pickled lentil salad is a favorite for my sisters and me; we each have our own recipe. For example, my eldest sister adds celery and a little mustard; I love it.. Eating lentils regularly helps us maintain a low-fat diet and good heart health. In addition, a plate of lentils may be a light meal, but it will sustain us for hours, which is perfect to keep blood sugar low and stable. Add vegetables, vinegar and citrus fruit juice to quick pickle them, and we'll get one of the healthiest, easiest to digest, and most delicious meals ever.



Apple cider vinegar also helps us reduce sugar in our blood, and contrary to what many believe, it does help us reduce heartburn. White vinegar is also excellent for our blood sugar. Fresh lemon juice aids in digestion, and so does fresh orange juice, which is also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

I didn't use any balsamic nor olive oil this time, but you can add them and make it a delicious vinaigrette. I'm a vinagrette lover.



Some fun accompaniments to vinaigrettes and quick pickles are spicy nachos and fried foods. The latter can be omitted, or you can eat just a few if you don't want to put on weight. Today I made some potato fritters with freshly cracked black pepper and fried some slices of ripe bananas that were getting too ripe. I also had an avocado in the fridge that was ready to eat. So I had no difficult decisions to make for the dinner menu. Although fried foods are not ideal for dinner, you have to understand me: it was movie night at home and one has to spice it up a little 😁





For the mixture of fruit & vegetables:


  • 1 cup lentils cooked in water with a pinch of salt and a clove of garlic, drained.
  • 1 cup finely chopped red onion
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
  • 1 cup finely chopped tomato
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped sweet chili pepper
  • 1 cup chopped spring onion
  • 1 cup chopped parsley
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • A handful of walnuts

For the brine:

  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons freshly crushed garlic
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
  • white vinegar to taste
  • 1 tablespoon cane sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

For the black pepper potato fritters:

  • 2 medium size potatoes, shredded
  • Freshly cracked black pepper to taste
  • pinch of salt to sprinkle on top after cooked




Obviously, I start by washing vegetables and fruits well.

I buy Pantera lentils, which come ready to cook. However, I wash them under the tap and put them in the pot where I'll cook them and add enough water to cover them. I also add a clove of garlic, crushed and unpeeled, plus a little salt. I cook them on full heat for about 10 minutes and then drain them well in a strainer.


After the lentils are well drained, which happens very quickly, you will see that there is a delicious hot broth in the pot; my recommendation is that you add a little bit of spring onion and cilantro and drink it while cooking. ❤️


While the lentils cool, I prepare the brine. Squeeze the oranges and lemons to get the desire amount of juice.


Add the apple cider vinegar. And add some sugar to balance the flavor.


With the help of my old mortar and pestle, I crush garlic cloves well. The I add the salt and juice into the mortar and mix everything well.


Now the pickle juice is almost ready, which means it's time for me to correct the level of acidity I prefer by adding white vinegar.


Once I have the lentils in the fridge getting cooler and the pickle juice also in the fridge, it's time for me to chop, chop, chop.

I peel and finely chop the red onion.


In order to get all the sweet from the red bell pepper, I remove the veins and seeds.


Then I finely chop the sweet chili peppers, tomatoes, parsley, and cilantro.


The taste we perceive in food also depends to a large extent on what we see and smell. The way we cut and process them modifies their appearance and aroma. Personally, I like to find different shapes, colors and textures in my food, especially in salads. It seems silly, but this thought is what makes me stop sometimes and decide to cut spring onions beveled instead of opting for the conventional slicing.


I mix everything together and add the pickle juice.


Then I can add the lentils and check the flavor.


We pickle and vinaigrette lovers know that we should always have glass containers that we can cover tightly. I chose one that turned out to be very small, with only a liter and a half capacity. So then I had to use a larger one, with a 3 liter capacity, to be able to mix the vegetables, fruits, and pickle juice well.


Quick pickled lentil salad ready to go!


I've saved some spring onion, parsley, and cilantro for garnish.



Time to make shredded potato fritters!

This is super easy. I'm not using any cornstarch.

I just peel the potatoes.


Shred them.


Squeeze and drain them.


Then I take a little bit, as much as will fit in my hand, and press it between my palms to make it as tight as possible. I fry the in hot oil. The more we squeeze the shredded potato the crispier the fritters.


I also press the potatoes against the hot pan with the back of the spatula to make the fritters firmer.


Time to eat!

I stir the salad once more, so that all the pickle juice soaks in, and serve a little in each bowl.


I add the spring onion and herbs for garnish and add as many crushed walnuts as I like. I do these two steps just before serving, each time.


I put one or two fritters in each bowl.


And that's it. You can see that I have also served fresh avocado slices and fried plantain slices to fill a platter that would make anyone happy here in my hometown.

How about you? Do you like pickled salads?


I hope you have found this recipe useful 😁

Bon appetite!



All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤


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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @foodiesunite, @edwing357 😁❤️


This looks amazing and this is a beautifully put together post as well!

Thank you so much for your appreciation, @minismallholding 😁 Salads can be really beautiful and tasty. I'd wish we had a wider variety of vegetables around here. Thank you so much for dropping by 💚

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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @creativecuisine ❤️💯


Delicious recipe!
Thank you🙏😊

You're so kind. Thank you so much for dropping by! 😁

Que grato entrar y conseguir tus maravillosas creaciones amiga, ya quiero recuperar para replicar todas las que pueda 😊

Mientras dejaré en marcadores está delicia de hoy 👨🏻‍🍳

Amigo querido, recupérate bien ❤️

Las lentejas son buenas como las pongas. Te mando un caldito para que te repongas.

También te mando a las gaticas para que te abracen, aprovechando que no estás horneando.


Calditos , panecillos, mimos de las gatitas y amor es lo que necesito aaah y postres 🤣

De todo eso te mando. Déjame meterlo en la cesta de Caperucita 😁❤️

Gracias gracias, espero estar de regreso pronto, mi paladar lo requiere , pero debo mantener unos días más el reposo 🥺

Descansa bien. Muchos líquidos. Sopita Thai 😌

It's quite odd to see hashbrowns in a plate, but I bet it's a delicious thing.

It's a must try, hehe. They're a good substitute for bread. In fact, these ones have no flour, nor eggs. They are good with soup, too 😌


I miss our meetings, my dear friend. Thank you so much for dropping by ❤️

That sound lovely. I gotta try to make some.

I miss our meetings, my dear friend. Thank you so much for dropping by ❤️

We need to schedule a coffee.

We do! A Christmas coffee

Just say when and if I need to dress up for the occasion! 😂

Hahahah... Not at all. Let's check out agendas. I think I'm free on Wednesday afternoon next week. Are you?

Next Wednesday? For you? Of course I'm free. Let me write it down.


Cuanta belleza, colorido y sabor en ese bol...
Las lentejas son riquísimas como se hagan y con esa vinagreta ¡uff! disfrutar cada trocito de los ingredientes de la ensalada, lo crujiente, el dulce del plátano y lo cremoso del aguacate. La presentación impecable.
Salud amiga!
Recibe mi abrazo.

Hola, mi bella @aguamiel. El encurtido es suave por la naranja; muy rico. Hice un montón; para hoy estaba aún mejor, excelente para flojear. Solo abrir la nevera y ya hay comida, jeje.

Salud y abrazo x2

Gracias por pasar a compartir las lentejas 😁❤️

Solo abrir la nevera y ya hay comida, jeje.

eso es lo maravilloso del recorte y pega 😁 y esa ensalada solita se puede comer, con ese sabor encurtido potenciado... me provoco con una arepa Marly!

Feliz estoy en compartir en tu mesa, que bueno que hiciste suficiente comida!😋❤️

Pega bien con arepas y con galletas de soda. Me quedó para la cena de mañana así que puedes venir y horneamos unas batatas.

Salad and fried potatoes. It's something delicious to enjoy when the food mood starts to hit you. I think I'll have to try this!

It's a good match. I hope you can try it soon; I think you're going to love it.

Thank you so much for dropping by, my dear friend ❤️😁

Wow, everything looks beautiful and tasty. I love vinaigrettes but after indulging in them I suffer from my sensitive teeth, but with this recipe and beautiful presentation I would make a very delicious sacrifice.

Thank you so much for the motivation, @verdesmeralda 💚

I think I know what you're talking about. Have you tried recipes with no white vinegar, adding apple cider vinegar only?

I haven't tried using only apple cider vinegar, I would have to try it to see if it doesn't cause me discomfort after a big taste 😉

Well, go ahead, girl! 1 part apple cider vinegar, 1 part orange juice, 1 part water, salt and sugar. I hope you will tell me how it goes.


Ohh, thank you very much. I'll let you know when I do it and see how it goes.

The salad looks like a bowl of jewels. The marinade is tangy and fresh. Accompanied with potato fritters, you couldn't ask for a more complete delicious meal.

The funny thing is, that I just found these lentils on sale. They are organic and each bag was one dollar. No doubt I grabbed around 10 bags. I made a soup with them and keep wondering what else besides soup, can I do with them. I also got black beans for a dollar a bag.

Now I know. Salad of course!!! Thanks for the recipe and the inspiration. The orange juice in the marinade especially excite me.

I am sending you wishes for the best day ever and big hugs!❤️💚

Orange juice adds natural fruitiness and sweetness to the marinade. I really like it.

Bean soup, bean salad. Lentil soup, lentil salad. What else? Haha. I tried some hand pies a couple of years ago; the filling was made with black beans and spices; it was a little sweet. I have no idea of the rest of the ingredients, but they were, indeed, delicious. I have tried filling empanadas with bean paste, and they are good but never as good as the ones I'd tried before.

Thank you so much for your visit, my dear friend. Have a great day 😌❤️

I am going to make this to bring to a staff party in December. It's perfect. Oh and ya, empanadas! I just bought more that were still on sale. I had to stuff them in the cupboard.😀

Oh, I love beans, my dear friend. I'm sure you will make the best of those extra bags!