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RE: ENG/ESP Tradiciones de mi país - Venezuela | Mi participación en el CROSS CULTURE CONTEST

in Cross Culture4 years ago (edited)

Wow it was a long read but every paragraph was worth my time, I knew this contest would be interesting.

I just learnt a lot about Venezuela and you did a great job in making it very simple to understand.

But I wanted to ask, the meetings your family have, does it involve both your mom and dad's family? Or just your mum's family because you said you're closer to your mum's family more.

I can see that you've achieve a really nice career that even helps you to keep your cultural values which is cooking, nice one 👌

Your entry is superb, all the best in the contest.

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Both families have the same tradition but separately, so I always look for the balance of sharing one Sunday with one and the next one with the other, both are important to me, without any preference.

Glad to hear you liked my post, thanks for taking the time to read it, best regards!

Oh nice, your culture over is lovely and I'm glad to learn about it. Thanks for sharing and best regards too 😌