[VOD] Writing a Drabble:

in Threespeak26 days ago

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While writing my Drabble "Redundant Ultraclock." I streamed the writing part on Twitch. You'll be able to see my thought process and the non-linear way I write fiction, as well as all my stumbles and the points I stopped to look up words or check out other windows on my device.

The process took about less than an hour. This is a Timelapse at 3x the speed of the actual writing process. After finishing the stream, I added some finishing touches like the image at the top.

A drabble is a micro-story consisting of exactly 100 words, hence why I used a word counter for this.

If you want more of this, or you have any feedback, please let me know. Thanks for Reading.

These users will get some beneficiary rewards for commenting on the story: @amberkashif @litguru @seki1 @deraaa @tengolotodo @penderis @kei2 .

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