DeSci: Decentralized Science as Our Chance to Recover the Real Science #decentralized-internet

in Threespeak2 years ago (edited)

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Our modern science is damaged by the «sickness» caused by centralization and our monetary system. For us to have real science, we need to redesign the context it lives in. We need to redesign the system. Decentralization might «heal» our science from within. It could allow our science to be defined by the people and serve their interests.
You can find more information on what this video is about, as well as the sources of the images in my post here:
DeSci: Decentralized Science as Our Chance to Recover the Real Science #decentralized-internet

This post was inspired by the "Hedgehog in the Fog", a Soviet animated film created in 1975.

"Recovery - Breakbeat - Royalty Free Music"
The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The video was created by me with the help of Kdenlive and Krita.

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