Have you been stabbed?

in Threespeak3 years ago

we take to the streets after a protest against government covid policy and ask people if they have been stabbed by paid agents of Elizabeth Windsor (Don't forget that Lizzy owns most of the country's institutions including 'HER MAJESTY'S government who are her paid agents who in turn pay many agents like Doctors and nurses to stab the people)

Unfortunately, I had to edit a small amount out because I didn't want it to be flagged for guideline violations

Some YouTube comments:

Duncan E
1 month ago
That lady at the end was great.

1 month ago
It's a good point because the "people" pushing the "substance" is far more dangerous than the substance itself. The substance being pushed on us wouldn't even exist without the parasites that created it. I won't be surprised if this comment is censored since the YT format is a tool of the beast system and supports pushing the substance on humanity.

1 month ago
The woman at the end... very switched on individual...the question to her was irrelevant bc she just doesn't want the vaccine , which is her choice and she doesn't have to give a reason...


Actually I got the original covid before all of this craziness went down.

And recently I've had the Delta variant.

The project veritas whistleblower and covid expose really has proved how crazy this entire situation has turned into.

Then we have people running around thinking that just because they wear a mask and limit the amount of people there are around that will protect them...

Oh wait let's add getting a vaccine that will protect me too.

However all of a sudden they suddenly realize that they have covid.

Or would this just be another huge scam about pushing the flu shots that never worked.

Yep this is more of a scam. And now the world's leads have miscalculated and jumped the gun on forcing lockdowns and totalitarianism on free populations in the name of medical tyranny.

Do not comply do not submit and do not bow.