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RE: The Heart of Natural Law

in Threespeak3 years ago

What you said makes sense to me.

FWIW: My view is that we (as sentient beings) are one way in which the Universe has become sentient and so experiences itself. We are not apart from the Universe. We are a part of the Universe. There is nothing unnatural about anything that we do as a living species expressing our nature however, the consequences of our personal actions are both our personal responsibility and (as you point out) essentially done to ourselves.

As an aside: There's an interesting question that comes from two assumptions.

  1. The essential nature of Life is to live; living things avoid death.
  2. The laws of thermodynamics are correct.

Given one and two, the Universe (as a living, sentient system) has become aware of its own mortality. Does the Universe want to die?


I think universe seeks novelty, so it does seek death for the stale.