The end of the #3StepsNoExcuses! Or is it just the beginning?

in Threespeak3 years ago

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CTP BP Weekly Update #49.jpg

Hello Buzzy Bees!

Welcome to the CTP Blueprint Weekly!

Before dive into it, just want to give you the good news that my little boy got his Covid test negative and he will be back to kindergarten tomorrow! And I'm going back to have more time to work!

The #3StepsNoExcuses challenge has ended, at least the official date times, and it was awesome to see people pushing to do it and document it here on Hive! I'm proud of you all! For those who are still ongoing, keep crushing it!!

@jongolson shares his thoughts about the challenge and shares all the PDF's with the tasks if you want to get into it as well:

I shared my results a few days ago:

A few ideas to repurpose all the content I created through this journey are coming up and hopefully will be sharing soon!

Already started with My Plus1 Series, which is this week's video for Guide and Video Membership!


Inspired by @jongolson's Ebook and Affilliatech program Plus1Success, I decided to create my own video series to complement with Jon's videos inside the program with my experiences and opinions for each day for 30 days according to the Ebook. I will provide the first 7 days of the series on the Guide and it will be on the Plus1 section!

If you enjoyed it, please consider subscribing to the Video Membership to check the rest of the series, as well as all the other videos available!

Inside the Videos is fixed and now can be watched there too! (37).gif

Since there's a ton of videos already inside it takes some time to load. I will try to come up with something quicker in the near future but for now, I'm sorry and be patient. I hope is worth the waiting after the load is done and watched the videos :)

And that's about it!

The CTP Power Up Challenge 3.0 from @ctpsb has started!!

Join and compete with others for the best CTP Power gathering!

You might win more than the power ;)

Still asking my fellow members for testimonials! I will give you a treat!

Don't forget to Like @clicktrackprofit's Facebook page, as well the CTP Blueprint Page to get notified by the webinars coming live!

Thank you so so much for your support!!



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Great step for new ways