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RE: A Sufi Story

in Threespeak4 months ago

Kind of like the glasses from the movie They Live.
I feel better being able to see things for the way they are but have stopped trying to get people to put the glasses on.
Glad to see you back on here.
I was off line for almost 10 months myself with a crashed hard drive and family issues to deal with.


Hey Hank,

good to hear from you again. I guess 2023 was a bad year for some of us.

Yes i'm back now, but not doing videos as often, as i'm being cautious with what i put out. And time. Need more time to do shit lol.

But 2024 will be a year to solidify the foundations in moving forward.

How're things your side? Your Mother okay?

It was a good year. I spent much less time on line. Cooking and cleaning for mom. She is well but has Alzheimers, this is life.

Is your mother on and detox protocols by any chance?

No detox programs and unfortunately she is not interested in them. Have you had any experience with the Scots Irish? LOL She is not giving up her wine any time in the near future and at 83 I will not fight her.