Do you work in an environment that "requires" you to wear a mask? 😷

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)


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Or, do you know someone in that respiratorially-dangerous situation?

Apparently, if ANY adverse reaction arises as a result of that mask-wearing --
like, even a skin rash -- that is legal grounds to file an OSHA complaint
(per the OSHA-insider featured in the interview linked below, Kristen Meghan).

If groups of co-workers organized themselves and filed complaints together,
it seems they could likely get that workplace freed.

Oppressors use legal structures to inflict their harm.

We can, and should, use those same structures against them.
Like workplace Aikido... flip the force of their aggression.


I believe we need to be as strategic as the various oppressors are.
If we recognize how essential non-obstructed breathing is to health and life,
this seems a good way to stand for a natural need currently being trampled.

Many mask-mandating workplaces are not OSHA-compliant.
Use that to your advantage.

Watch Mike Adams' conversation
with occupational health expert, Kristen Meghan:


I live in a part of the state where our community decided about 4 months ago that we were no longer going to comply with state mandates about anything covid related. The sheriff has ensured us that he has no intention of enforcing these mandates either. The state governance is aware of this and have done nothing to try to stop it.

However we do wear masks at work sometimes but not bc of Rona-fear, it is because I work in construction and frequently work with toxic chemicals and or dust debris :)

OMG, @beelzebubba, your sheriff is a true hero, as are you and your community! And a state governance finally turning a blind eye to the right things. This is so encouraging to read. Thank you.

I wonder how this can be duplicated, again and again.

Stay safe at work. Our bodies are so marvelous. The lungs regenerate every 7 years!

Well our area is a bit of a unique one as we are are smaller community and basically everyone knows everyone. We have very little crime and the people who are afraid of Covid take it upon themselves to mask up and keep their distance from others..... You know, like any sane adult society should function.

I'm certain that our sheriff's motivation are at least in part self-serving because of course he wants to get re-elected, which is basically guaranteed at this point. Everyone likes the guy so much that I doubt anyone will even run against him when he is up for re-election next year.

I know I have dealt with skin irritation and acne breakouts since wearing a mandatory mask at work.

@jacobtothe, sorry I don't have the time-stamp, but Kristen Meghan actually used that as her example! It was almost as if she was encouraging people to submit complaints.

I'm self-employed and work at home, but if I was subjected to that, I'd be coordinating with fellow workers. JAM UP THAT LOOP HOLE. Surely you aren't the only one with skin irritation? Best wishes to you.

Aside from the manager, I am the only one working 5 days/week, and I do much of the face-to-face service stuff while she handles back room tasks. The joys of small libraries. I am probably the only one in my branch who has had problems.

I see. It's not at all cool that your manager gets to hang out in the back, probably breathing freely, while you're out front with prolonged oxygen deficiency. I'm not trying to get in your business, @jacobtothe, but just out of concern for you, maybe you could:

(1) Ask her to "trade places" with you for ONE WORKING DAY. I bet she wouldn't be able to withstand it. Or, at the very least, she'd be a better ally for you with greater empathy; and/or

(2) Go broader. Link up with an appropriate/related national library association, and see who else is having difficulty. This is not 'making trouble.' It is highly abnormal to make suffocation a way of life! This is advocating for your health, and avoiding brown lung, or bacterial pneumonia.

She is on our side. I literally helped train her when she joined as circulation staff a few years back, and he hates the mask mandates too. Part of her back room work is dealing with the board and admin bullshit. She got that job because none of the rest of us wanted it.

Honestly, what pisses me off the most is having perpetually fogged glasses.

Haha, kinda funny that I am more bothered by your mask than you are! Okay, lemme get back over here in my lane. 😊 Thanks for visiting with me, @jacobtothe

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Good initiative! There are certainly many angles we can take to stand up for our rights! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, @montycashmusic! My pleasure.