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RE: The Boundaries are Bleeding by Monty Cash - Free song download!!

Good call on Dune my friend - although I haven't seen the latest film so I can't leave a perspective on that. The series I've written touches upon some similar concepts, the oligarchies (agendas/science) of an ancient priestcraft juxtaposed against modern narratives, psychological warfare, and technological frontiers.

If you as a potential are suddenly 'picked up' by the world - in your narcissism you may miss that the attention you are receiving is inadequate to the output you have given.

Very true, and this plays out within many areas of perceptual manipulation. Fifty shades of grey is a great example of a badly written book that (through wall to wall headline news) was deliberately burned into the public consciousness - you could not pay for that level of advertisement.

Funny you should mention Jim Morrison, his father was a naval admiral and commander of US naval forces during the Gulf of Tonkin false flag operation - that was used as a pretext to start the Vietnam war. Without the war and associated anti-war movement, we may never have even heard of Jim or the Doors that provided a dark counterbalance to the hippies.

Personally, I believe intuition, discernment, and the intelligence of heart and emotion are (deliberately overlooked) tools that aid your navigation through this world of illusion. Alas, most people appear content to live within a reactive mind maze.


EDIT: This reply became so expansive and the subject matter so important that I decided to make an article response to the thread.

I hope it inspires you to write.