The Ultimate Practical Explanation Of The Law Of Attraction (2021 Video)

in Abundance Tribe3 years ago (edited)

If you're like me, you're tired of...

  • Woo-woo LOA teachers who make everything complicated.
  • Hour-long videos of boring old LOA teachers preaching at you.
  • Law Of Attraction explanations that are full of holes.
  • Quantum theory you'd need a PHd to decipher.
  • LOA videos full of complex language forcing you to grab a dictionary.

I decided to solve this by spending a whole week crafting...

'The Ultimate Practical Explanation Of The Law Of Attraction.'

This video took me tons of filming, editing, tweaking and polish because I wanted it to be the best Law Of Attraction explainer video ever.

It explains Law Of Attraction clearer and easier than any other teacher out there, in a practical way.

Plus it's full of fun doodles, animations, and sound effects.

I believe it's the most valuable video on Law Of Attraction out there (but I'd love it if someone could show me a better one.)

I hope you enjoy it and thanks so much for reading, watching, commenting, sharing, and even skimming! :)

If you want more on Law Of Attraction check out my other posts:

- Confusing Law Of Attraction Terms: Explained (Properly!)
- The 10 Commandments (Of Law Of Attraction) To Live Your Best Life
- See A Life Being Changed In This Practical LOA Abundance Demo
- How I Solved My Homelessness With Piss-Poor Law Of Attraction Skills
- Why You Suck At Law Of Attraction



I watched it already and I will rewatch it. Very interesting and well explained!

Thank you, I'm honored you feel it's worth multiple viewings. If you feel it'll help others please consider rebloggnig/sharing, and either way, I'm grateful for you stopping by to check it out. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

Thank You for sharing this here! You put so much love into this video and it shows! It’s amazing and clear. I love it. I KNOW it’s going to help so many people understand how to manifest easier and faster. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you, I'm super proud of it and I know it'll help millions understand law of attraction and manifest easier too. 😁 ❤️ 🙏

You should be so proud! I'm proud of it too! It's EPIC!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks for your help in bringing it to life!

my pleasure! I had fun recording it, and watching the parts come together. And the watch-throughs too. ❤️❤️❤️


This is a very useful and practical way of explaining the Law of Attraction. I enjoyed watching it because it makes sense to me. I appreciate all the work that was put in to creating this video and post.

Thank you very much, I appreciate this comment and that you recognize the work that went into explaining Law Of Attraction clearly and practically. You have my gratitude, and wishing you a great day! 🙏

You're very welcome, @ryzeonline! Have a wonderful day! 😀

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Amazing - I might show this to my Year 11 students on the last day of term when I leave the school for good as a kind of parting gift.

Thank you! I'm deeply honored, and I believe it would be an extremely valuable gift for your year 11 students. I love that you care about them and consider their well-being in this way! 🙏

Thank you so much for this! I've been reading and watching a lot about LOA, and you explained it beautifully for just 20 minutes! I love how you've discussed the video! The term "universal desire," the analogy of seeds, soil, beetle, and all 💕

Manifesting is indeed not a one-day job just like how you compared it with a gardener. We must spend days, months, or even years before our planted seeds bloom with constant and just enough dedication and appreciation. 🤍

I comprehend now how it works, thanks to you! Now, I have to practice it constantly and be a practitioner, especially with the affirmation method that works with me. I realized a lot from this; thank you so much!

Hooray! I appreciate your comment and kind words, and I'm glad the video resonated with you. I make a point of emphasizing 'consistent practice' like a gardener, because it matters so much. I'm happy to hear you're focused on practicing whatever affirmation-methods works for you. Wishing you a great day! #KeepRyzing :) 🙏

It really matters, especially with people like me before who wanted an immediate result but not enough dedication. Also, I would like to add the idea that the goal we manifest must be SMART, hehe. Tho you've discussed the gist of SMART like in reasonable part, it suddenly reminds me of the SMART principle, hehe 🤍 #KeepRyzing , indeed! Have a great week too! 💕

I believe a lot of people are in a similar boat of neglecting dedicated practice, I imagine this video will get shared so it reaches more people who were like you. :)

And yes, smart-goals can be helpful! Ultimately it's a very individual thing, people must find 'manifestation goals' that feel achievable to them and start there. #TogetherWeRyze ! 🙏

Right! Again, thank you so much for this! Hopefully, it'll reach all the people that need to hear it💕#TogetherWeRyze !

Yes! Thanks! (And feel free to reblog or share it to help grow it's reach :D) #TogetherWeRyze 💕🙏

Belief is like soil you plant desire in.
These criteria are really necessary
Proper Practice is very important.
@ryzeonline This is really helpful thank you for sharing
This video is filled with knowledge to acquire

I'm so glad you found value in it, I believe this video will help many understand law of attraction better. Wishing you a great day! 🙏

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Wooohoo! Let's go! Thanks HiveBuzz! :) 🙏

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!

So epic! Ty! <3