[ESP-ENG] imagen de la felicidad en las alturas del Perú/ image of happiness in the heights of Peru

in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC]8 months ago

Querida comunidad, hoy vengo a mostrarles esta foto que la tengo guardada desde el 2014 y que siempre que la vuelvo encontrar me sigue encantando porque aun recuerdo como si fuera ayer el día que la tomé.

Ese día venia bajando de un lugar turístico donde había montañas muy cafes, hacia mucho frio, pero la vista era hermosa, entonces yo me fui a caminar por las calles del pueblo por mientras esperaba la salida del tren para ir a mi siguiente destino, en eso escuche unas risas y quise ir a ver quienes se estaban riendo y hablando en quechua y me encontré a tres hombres trabajando construyendo una casa, me quede observandolos un par de minutos (me encanta observar a la gente sin que se de cuenta), no sabia que decian pero supongo que era algo muy gracioso por sus expresiones, por lo que entendí estaban tratando de hacer reír al señor de la foto para que le fuera más difícil caminar en las alturas, y entonces pasé por ahí y quise captar esa hermosa sonrisa que se quebraba por el frío que hacia, el señor notó que le quería tomar una foto y se paró bien derecho y realicé esta captura, ya ustedes se imaginarán el color de la foto.


Dear community, today I come to show you this photo that I have saved since 2014 and that every time I find it again I still love it because I still remember the day I took it as if it were yesterday.

That day I was coming down from a tourist place where there were very brown mountains, it was very cold, but the view was beautiful, so I went to walk through the streets of the town while I waited for the train to leave to go to my next destination, in That's when I heard some laughter and I wanted to go see who was laughing and talking in Quechua and I found three men working building a house, I stayed watching them for a couple of minutes (I love watching people without them realizing it), no. I knew what they were saying but I guess it was something very funny because of their expressions, from what I understood they were trying to make the man in the photo laugh so that it would be more difficult for him to walk in the heights, and then I passed by there and I wanted to capture that beautiful smile that was breaking because of the cold, the man noticed that I wanted to take a photo of him and he stood up straight and I took this capture, you can imagine the color of the photo