Bible Review - 1 Samuel ( Chapter 1-5)

in MCGI Cares Hive4 months ago

The book of 1 Samuel is the book that contains both the birth of Samuel and the way God raised him up in the household of Eli to the point of him being appointed as a prophet to the people.

Chapter 1.

In Verse 1-8. This particular verse started with the introduction to us about a man named elkanah and not only that but also the fact that he has two wives. One is called peninah and the other is called Hannah. Hannah yet to give birth has been provoked and sad daily concerning her situation even though Elkanah A to console her several times.

In Verse 9-18. This particular verse was talking about the manner Hannah prayed to God for a child after her soul was sorrowful and the fact that she asked God that if the child is given, she will return it back to her. This is to show the posture of how Hannah really loves God. One of the things I learnt also from this particular verse was the way she reacted to Eli even though Eli made wrong assumptions about her. She was still kind and respectful in words unto him.

In Verse 19-28. This particular portion of verse is talking about when they gave birth to her to Samuel after God answered the prayer of Hannah. I learnt that whenever God gives us our Samuel, we should not be reluctant to give it back to God again. Any promise we made with God, we should always stick to it as in the life of Hannah that promised to return back the son to God and she did. Thanks to her having an understandable husband also.

Chapter 2

In Verse 1-11. This portion of verses was talking about the prayers Hannah offered to God when she was still at Shiloh after God answered her prayer.

In Verse 12-26. This particular verse was talking about the wrong doing of Eli Sons in the house of God. How they treat sacrifice offered to God with disrespect and not Honouring God in the household of God. I learnt that as a Minister, your family is your first assignment and that is to show that Eli Failed in training up his children in the way of the Lord. In fact this is true concerning what the bible said that Train up a child in the way he should grow and when he grows, he will not depart from it.

In Verse 27-36. A warning came to Eli concerning what his been done and what will be done by God since him and his children have decided to walk in the path of unrighteousness and not of God. I learnt that God will always honour those who honour him and always despise those who despise him.

Chapter 3.

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In Verse 1-14. This particular section of the verses was talking about the time God was trying to speak to Samuel but Samuel was not recognising God's voice. Thank God for the guidance of Eli who helped him out. At the end of the day thanks for the guidance of Eli

In Verse 15-21. After the encounter, the next morning, Samuel was afraid to tell Eli what the Lord told him and that is quite understanding because he was afraid to present the word of judgment and how it will sound to Eli. At the end of the day, it shows that Eli didn't actually care because his response in Verse 18 was really bad. Eli told Samuel that God should do what he feels like.

Chapter 4.

In Verse 1-10. This portion of this verses was talking about when the isrealite was attacked by the Philistines and men was killed. They thought they can bribe God by taking the ark of God to battle even when their ways are not right with God, but worse calamities come unto them the more. The philistine saw them as their slave and was about to do anything so that they can remain their slave the more. The ark of God was eventually captured by the Philistines.

In Verse 12-22. It was a deal of how Eli died after hearing the news of the ark of God that was captured and also about his son's who was killed also. His grandson was given birth to by philenna wife and name him Ichabod meaning the glory of the Lord has leave Isreal. May we not be given the wrong name.

Chapter 5

In Verse 1-12. This particular chapter is talking about the adventure when the ark of the Lord was taken away from Israel and to various towns when there was a contradiction of presence among their god and the ark of God. Places like Ashod, Gath. At the end , the Philistines realised that God cannot dwell in a place that is not holy.