Dealing with Depressed Teens (Part 4 of 4) | The Old Path

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Topic Review: Dealing with Depressed Teens (Part 4 of 4) | The Old Path

Brother Eli renders very valuable advice to parents in this video. He advises them to show concern for their teenage children, especially the daughters. He advises them to give them the utmost attention and affection. As a teenager, one of the things they need the most is affection from their parents.

We are taught in the word of God that parents should care for their children. A parent that fails to show proper care to his or her child has failed as a parent. Parents should be for their children when they need them. They should try their best to establish a strong bond between them.

It's sad that today the bond between parents and their children appears to be weak. Parents get so busy and worked up with their careers that they fail to make time to spend with their children. Instead of children having a strong bond with their parents, they tend to be closer to their nannies.

Some families fail to eat together. Some have their meals outside. All this behavior weakens the relationship between parents and their children. These deprive the family of effective communication, which is the key to a happy family.

A child may not be convinced of your love towards them if you don't express it to them. They need to actually feel love towards them and not just hear it. The adolescent stage is a very crucial stage. A child can be faced with certain experiences. At a time like that, the child needs the guidance of the parent.

This can go a long way to relieving the depression of the teenager. It is the sole duty of parents to tend to the needs of their children, both materially and emotionally. Parents should not leave this duty to the teachers in the school or neighbors within.

Though the parents have a major role to play in the lives of their children, they can only achieve a little by their own capacity. So when the child begins to attain maturity, it's advisable to introduce the word of God to the child.

This grooms the child into a better person. There is a limit to what a parent can provide for their children. With the help of God, it makes up for what the parents could not do.

There are some cases that only the intervention of God can take care of. So parents should not fail in including this when raising a teenager.