Religion is good. We need religion. Could you ask whether we need education? No, you wouldn't because you know that education is very needful. In the same vain we need religion. Just as education enlightens our mind, religion leads us to God.
Our relationship with God is very important. We need to have a good relationship with God. We need God to save our souls. There is no salvation in education. There is no salvation in politics. There is no salvation in economics. There is salvation in sciences. There is no salvation in philosophy. It is only in religion that we can find salvation.
Let us embrace religion so that we can receive salvation. Let us embrace the true religion. Let us follow the religion which Jesus Christ came to establish. There is no salvation in any other except in Jesus Christ. It only by the doctrines of Jesus Christ that we can receive salvation for our souls.
True religion is what is needed for our salvation
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