Occurrences in my plants

in Succulent growerslast year


are plants that I like to replicate. I have never done it before from water. I have always multiplied my plants from branches, bulbs, or seeds. Zamioculcas have always been propagated by cutting branches and leaves.


This method takes longer than submerging them in water. I saw a video online and wanted to plant a branch that a person accidentally broke off in passing. It is the tip of a branch with two leaves.

We all know that not everything we see in the videos is true, many times they are hoaxes to be lived or shared and call affluence. It has happened to me on other occasions that the information is false, even when everything is done in great detail.


This time it was a good choice, in less than 15 days I already have roots in my small plant. Two roots when I took this photo and actually in three more days it is already on the third root. I will plant it on a good substrate when the roots are stronger and more abundant.



I have some lilies that I planted from bulbs but they did not accept the conditions they were in before and the leaves dried up until there were none left. I decided to move them to a shadier but sunny spot. This is how all my lilies are being saved and have several leaves. This makes me very happy.


Plants are like human beings, if we are in an environment we don't like we show it with our behavior and so do plants too. They can turn yellow, dry up, rot, and grow too long which is abnormal for their species, or too small. The fact is that if we do not observe the changes in time they will be lost in the substrate.


Echeveria Pallida:

This is an Echeveria Pallida that I transplanted and it was well accepted. Now I have several plants from the same mother plant. It gets direct sun in the morning and the edges of it are reddish.


I have been exposing this plant to the shade for a few weeks and look how it has grown very straight. So I should have moved it to the sun in time so that it would not grow so long.


This other one I kept without much liquid and in the shade. She didn't like it either. Its leaves became thinner and thinner and it almost dried out. Today it is in the sun and gets its liquids daily.


Planting requires a lot of observation of the plants. They fill up with pests in a moment, change their coloration or their branches get longer and longer, losing their original beauty. They deserve the best of care because they are the bearers of much happiness in the eyes of the gardener.


The photographs are of my property taken with the Redmi note9

@gertu de venezuela para el world.png


Spring is here . flowers are blooming 😊

How wonderful! You will have many new flowers to share.

Muy de acuerdo con usted son seres vivos y si están en un ambiente cómodo van a dar lo mejor de ellas.

Yo también la reproduzco desde los bulbos y se dan muy bien sin no le he intentado con hoja.. gracias por compartir.

Yo lo intenté de muchas formas y ahora las introduzco en agua que es mucho mejor. Gracias por compartir tu comentario.