The slower you go...

in Succulent growers11 months ago

Yesterday morning while searching for the scores of one composition that I had saved in the photo gallery of my phone, I saw a photo showing a board from one piano studio with a quote. It said:

The slower you go, the faster you will get there.

It sounds a bit absurd, as how you can arrive faster to a place if you go slowly. But, from my own experience of teaching, I exactly know what it means in music.

Some students don't have the patience to practice slowly, they want to play the piece fast, from the very beginning of learning it. They would not listen to suggestions to play it slowly and think about the notes, to analyze, to get it learned well. The piece (and my hearing) would suffer constant errors and missed notes, poor dynamics, and many times inaccurate rhythm. With time, there would be fewer errors, but still, it takes time to unlearn the mistakes and get the notes and the whole piece right. It could last for weeks.

On the other hand, if a student starts to learn the notes slowly, internalizing the musical text, with all the details already, although playing it slowly, the connections in the mind will develop well. After some time, the piece will be ready and mature enough to play it well and at the appropriate speed. Believe me, the process takes less time than trying to play it fast from the beginning, with mistakes.


It is true for many other things too. Being patient and persistent and not wanting to do the tasks quickly, at once... as it happens to me when I need to treat my plants from plague or replant them. There are so many that I need several hours to do everything and you guess - we never have those several hours at once to dedicate it just to plants.

So, I postpone the "gardening" for some other day when I will have more time. And that day never arrives. 😂 Then I finally realize that it is better to do a small step for one or two plants, then next time another step. That way everyone can be happy - I don't get frustrated by many things at once and the plants survive at a higher rate!

Two big tasks were waiting to be fulfilled. To get rid of the aphids that attacked the Aeonium and to clean the leaves of the Aloe Vera (also from some plague). Plus to separate the new little plants that have grown around the big one.


The Aeonium got its turn a few weeks ago. I treated it with the liquid I made (1 litre of water with a teaspoon of dishwasher soap) and later showered it. I repeated the process a couple of days later and indeed, the aphids seemed to disappear, or at least there were a lot fewer.

I still have to repeat this thing as I see new aphids that enjoy the taste of my Aeonium.

Btw, this plant was a tiny small cutting I "obtained" from the street :D
It has grown a lot! With all my neglecting attitude, it is doing perfectly well!



The Aloe Vera plant needed to be showered as well but it was not easy to carry this huge pot and big plant. But there is a trick I use to make this trip easy: I put it on a folded towel and easily drag it to the bathroom.

Before this, I saw many little Aloe plants growing from the soil, so I took them out. At the moment I don't know what to do with 16 new plants. They are on the waiting {thinking} period, still on the balcony. They can be without soil for a few days, nothing will happen to them.

The news is also that the big plant has two stems with buds. These buds will be the flowers that every year bloom around this time.

An interesting fact - did you know that the yellow flowers of Aloe Vera are edible?

In this little collage of photos, you can see the Aeonium, the Aloe Vera buds and the little plants, taken out from the soil:


So, these were my yesterday gardening activities. Not too much, but something.

And you... how do you perform your gardening chores? Do you postpone these things and then dedicate one full day to your indoor or outdoor plants and do all the interventions they need?

Or do you divide the tasks into smaller steps - at a slower pace but then you actually get the work done quicker?


 11 months ago  

I had no idea the flowers were edible! Start an online business selling aloe vera babies 😁

Start an online business selling aloe vera babies 😁


But I neglected them a bit so they are not in great shape right now

Oh your collection of plants is growing a lot 😁 it's good you take the new strategy to dedicate small time every day or every two day 😅😅 that you stay working on it the all day long , maybe you will need a clone 😂😂😂
Great job señorita Mipiano de los jardines 😇

Hahaha, true! A collection 😂

I already needed a clone, a long time ago 😂

Maybe I do have one, I would not be surprised to meet myself one day hahaha (by the way, I had a very, very strange dream today, but my mind was altered by some chemical elements {painkillers again 😬}. I had to meet a friend and I was searching for her, among many people, who were celebrating something, there were many pianos too but I just passed my fingers on the keys, and I looked for that friend on the streets, in shops, in a hotel hall, I looked at the message where we agreed to meet and it was my profile pic and all the indications proved that the person I was searching for was actually me. 😳 Bizarre! And now you say that I need a clone hahaha. 😱

😅😅 it's you inside you 😂😂

 11 months ago  

how do you perform your gardening chores?

I do it both ways... depends what I have to do. The balcony cleaning which includes sweeping between the pots, removing all the leaves, washing floor and trays I try to do in one day and have it done.
But repotting, watering and all the little TLC I split into smaller and faster tasks.

The Aeonioum looks amazing!!

The Aeonium will need another dishwasher treatment and a good shower, soon, one of these days :D

Both ways - it is the balanced way to do our balcony gardening activities. 👌

I set Saturdays for watering, and if needed (in summer) one day in between. That is good for the succulents, but not for the poor orchid haha (now you know why they died and just one orchid is the brave survivor 😅)

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Obrigada 😇

That phrase you mention is very true, with patience and at a slow pace for many things, you get faster or further and better.

In the case of succulents, they are more beautiful every day and you also made a lot!

I have some and I'm going at a slow pace. I won't tell you every day, but I will tell you some details twice a week, for a little while so that they are always healthy.

Big hug!❤️❤️❤️

That is a good pace you take care of your succulents, I am sure they are doing well :))

(If there is no air-conditioning to drop too much water into the pot :D)

I don't have air conditioning... I make do!😉

I agree that learning slowly and gradually picking up all the notes helps you understand it better. When excitement builds up to produce the sound, you may eventually ignore the rhythm and the bits. This can lead to producing the wrong outcome.

The slower you go, the faster you will get there.

I mean, yeah sure, but how? Hahaha, it really sounds a bit absurd but it makes sense too if tou think more about it (≧▽≦).

Anyways the aloe vera looks pretty, but I never know that they can bloom a flowers. We have a lot of that aloe vera in a flowers vase but I never see it flower, not even once. Or maybe it depends on what variety of aloe vera it is, hmmm.

A similar thing happens when we want to take a shortcut, as we think we will arrive quicker. Then we get lost and it takes more time to get back to the right path 😁

Maybe it depends on variety or that you just didn't notice. At my place, it always blooms at this time, late winter - early spring.

You are so right 🙂... I always say that ;) in this Universe there are very wise people from whom we should learn. And as for my plants 🤐 they have free will and whenever I intervene, it's always so misguided that I end up killing them or putting them in a bad state (esto no lo acepto, tendrá que cambiar para bien, Universo 😅). The gladioli didn't survive. Some are stronger and resist, like the pumpkins.

{El edit fue porque una idea negativa preconcebida hay que desterrarla y cambiarla por una positiva 😇}

Maybe the gladioli was not destined to grow there, so it decided to go to another place. So the pumpkins are doing good? That is great! And what about the plant you got from Eliseo? I hope you have planted it :))

You know mipiano I did not know that aloe vera flowers can be eaten, but yes, if it is in itself medicinal it is obvious. Those little ones that you have extracted put them in water so that those little absorbent hairs don't dry out and the plant dies. I always do that with any plant and I don't lose them. On my balcony there is a lot of sun and every other day I take care of them and water them, I even talk to them.
I use the coffee grounds to fertilize the soil and I also use the water from the rice when I rinse it for cooking. These are my methods. I hope yours work for you. Your plants are very pretty. Thanks for sharing.
Everything is going well around here, getting better and better. Have a nice weekend.😍❤️

Yes, my best friend told me that as she grew up in the countryside and did things like eating flowers (for fun 😂) and later I searched for the info and got the confirmation that they are edible.

I am glad that everything is getting better, take care of yourself and your husband. And of your plants 😉

Here is a short video with the flowers and how they can be eaten. Maybe I should demonstrate too, when these buds bloom jajaja

These plants look so great and lovely.. I think I have seen the last fruit from a friends garden but I don't know the name then when I saw it. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks. So these are succulents, and the two shown in this post are Aloe Vera and Aeonium

Okay. It's lover and I know aleo Vera has great feature which it is used for an it health benefits.. Great one.

Some people don’t like to go slower and take everything step by step but they have forgotten that it is the best thing
Going slow may take you time to get there but it makes you accurate
I love the flowers!

Lovely collection. The first plant looks so incredibly lush and vivid. It has obviously come a long way from a little street cutting hehe :)

@tipu curate

The little cutting grew almost a tree, you see :D

Thank you @phortun for checking out these succulents and for your support. Sending you and your little family a hug 🤗 🌺

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