
Thanks. Would you know who to contact for my 7-day posting badges. I know I post for the previous 7 days sometimes, but Hivebuzz doesn't visit me and bring me a badge. During the month of June I have questions about.

Dear @justclickindiva, we checked your post dates and it appears that you have published a maximum of 6 posts per week for all previous weeks.
We also found that on certain days there are 2 posts, but this is unfortunately not taken into account.
So check what time you publish because HiveBuzz is based on universal time (UTC)

Thank you for checking. I didn't know that HiveBuzz was based on universal time. That is where I'm getting mixed up.

I'm in the U.S. Central Time Zone (CST). So compared to my time, UTC is 6 hours ahead of my current time. For example, it's now 6:03pm on Saturday, July 11.

Does this mean that I have missed the cutoff time for posting for Saturday, as it's now actually Sunday according to UTC time? I'm confused.

Here are your numbers for the last 3 weeks:

Unfortunately, we have to deal with UTC because we do not know any user's timezone, and all info in the blockchain is stored using UTC.

Thanks so much for hour efforts to help me determine where I'm losing myself in the Twilight Zone of time. I certainly appreciate it.

Glad to help 😉