This Is My Message To You ooh ooh ooh

in ReggaeJAHM2 years ago

Rise up this Morning Smile with the rising Sun

Good day/evening to you friends. The other day I had seen I had a a lil #JAHM in my wallet and was all WTF is all this newness. I came across the JAHM and read the info and was all HELLZ YEA!! So That was great and I said I would swing by here and check it out. I'll tell ya a lil bout myself. First off I never liked most Reggae. I had a neighbor back when I was in like my late teens early 20's who jammed out to it. He always told me to come by and blaze a couple and we can jam. I play bass, well try to anyways, as well as harmonica, keyboards, guitar, drums and the shake egg. I really wanna get one of them boxes a cat can sit on and beat. My aunt has a dope ass set of bongos I am trying to get from her as well. I'd be doing some sick chit with thise!!!

N E Ways, It wasn't till just a few years ago that I was really wanting to broaden my musical taste. I had made this promise to myself back in '17. January 7th 2017 was the day that I changed my life... Ok Fellas, Ladies. I tend to go sideways with my stories. But there is always reason for that. I want you to grasp wtf I am saying. I talk a lot of crap, but that's cuz I am not serious about anything, like SERIOUS. Dig? We are only here for a moment and there is nothing on this planet worth worrying about except this moment right here, right now, My brothers and sisters. I am not guaranteed to finish this post as you are not guaranteed to finish it. So y worry about that shit that don't even matter. Hell there could be a cyber attack on the bill collector and we would be free of that noise!!! Dig what I am sayn?

So back in '17 I was arrested and went to prison. I was looking at 21 years!!! However, this day, not the day I found out about the 21 yrs. Jan 7th I told myself, "Self, ya need to make a change and ya needed to do it yesterday." So as I was sitting in the cell being processed I told myself what was going to change and what I was going to do about it. I later found out that what I was doing was the start of manifesting my destiny. Fat forward to that day in prison. So I had a neighbor that lived a few bunks from me. We would chat it up periodically. He was WAY into reggae. Now I knew hella folks was down with it and that there was positive vibes there. As a person who was on a spiritual journey by the universe I figured ya get back what ya put out. Positive = positive. Now, I am a metalhead by and by. But I do have a very eclectic taste in music.

Ok where was I ... Ok dude. So I asked him if i could listen to a few of his CDs. He was hella happy to oblige. I got Simply stupid, Bob Barley(of course) and another on that was similar to Simply stupid. Maybe the name had fingers or something in its name. Damn this is gonna bug the hell out of me the rest of the night.

Ok sorry I was afk for bout an hr in the middle of this and my thought about this post has escaped me. So ill end. But I o know I will be checkin this space out on a reg to get some of everything !! I need more love every day of my life!! If y dont know that song there. It is Robert Randolph and the family band... here is a link!!! YOULL love it! And if you aint dancing to it. I wanna know whats wrong with you!!!

 2 years ago  

Yeah bro that story went sideways around the bend and then around the block
but I hear yah 😂.

By the title of the post I thought you were gonna come with the stereotypical Bob Marley but I guess not. I’ve never heard this before. It’s a breath of fresh air hahaha. Glad you Gyalifested ( manifested ) a new life and are on that spiritual journey. Reggae can definitely help you with that m, Dancehall Reggae, not so much.

By the looks of the tags I see you are new. Be sure to tag up, there are many interfaces that are linked to tags. For example, using #jahm sends your post to the Reggaejahm interface ( which I think you did ) , but there are many more as you know ? Example #neoxian #palnet #ctp #leofinance #waive #cent and so many more. But of course , tag appropriately. And seek out what they are about.

Posted via ReggaeJahm | Reggae Culture Rewarded

@dmilliz hellz yea dog. I appreciate it. I haven't even fully evacuated the womb yet I am so new, LOL!!! Funny thing my man. Me and my girl were cruising one day and we were JAHMN and I was talkn bout Buddhism and I got on a kick about rastafarisim. I have a lil bit of knowledge about it. And love the principles. But I don't know enough. Then she said leets make a cult and name it rastbuhdfarisim, BWAHAHAHA.I need to dig further into the community here as well. I'm old school dog. And I have a flavor for everything. I mix it up so much. I put ghost pepper sauce on my corn flakes!!! @dmilliz you must be a bawller. DMILLZ. Imma change my name to DZNUTTZ!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the comment brother and I am looking forward to engaging in many more with you!!!

Have A Happy Day And Don't Forget To Be Awesome!!!


@dmilliz hellz yea dog. I appreciate it. I haven't even fully evacuated the womb yet I am so new, LOL!!! Funny thing my man. Me and my girl were cruising one day and we were JAHMN and I was talkn bout Buddhism and I got on a kick about rastafarisim. I have a lil bit of knowledge about it. And love the principles. But I don't know enough. Then she said leets make a cult and name it rastbuhdfarisim, BWAHAHAHA.I need to dig further into the community here as well. I'm old school dog. And I have a flavor for everything. I mix it up so much. I put ghost pepper sauce on my corn flakes!!! @dmilliz you must be a bawller. DMILLZ. Imma change my name to DZNUTTZ!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the comment brother and I am looking forward to engaging in many more with you!!!

Have A Happy Day And Don't Forget To Be Awesome!!!


OULL love it! And if you aint dancing to it. I wanna know whats wrong with you!!!

Am feeling so fortunate: I can't stay and sit still while listening to the song and reading your post. The music makes me wiggle in my chair. Your words make me smile. Great vibes you are bringing to HIVE 🙇

Oh I gots TONS like that!!!

I assume: the vibes? lets them roll towards us, we (well, I at least) love positive vibes :)

 2 years ago  

Welcome to the Reggae Jahm community and like you I wasn't listening much to reggae music, except for the legends like Bob Marley, Beres Hammond, etc.

After attending a music festival, where Inner Circle and Third World were performing, I got more interested in this genre and of course joining this community expanded my reggae taste even more. Especially the positive messages from reggae artists.

Have a great new week and hope you'll feel comfortable here.

@tanjakolader , friend. Thats what I wanna do. HIT THE FESTIVALS!! That kid I talked about in this post he would goto Reggae On The River every year. Come back justa flappin his gums all day every day bout it. Id wanna beat him silly he talked so much. So I have really wanted to go since the early 90s. And now with our business I REALLY wanna go. My girl and I have talked about traveling the country with our business and slining merch. We actually just got approved to be CBD affiliates too, so that would work, right, LOL!!!

There is a big fest in Vegas every year too that we thought would be cool to hit as well. B We keep that Idea in our head very often. We have an old Higheay King motorhome that we can get for dirt cheap. ANd I have a brand new motor I can put in it. But it needs to be gutted and redone. So thats probably a 2 year project. Maybe after that we would consider touring with the scene.

I know ya didnt ask for my life story n shit. Well now ya know, LOL. Thanks for stoppin by and yappin at me!!!

Have A Happy Day And Dont Forget To Be Awesome!!!


 2 years ago  

Hahahaa, don't worry, I'm actually also a talker and it's nice to read people's stories.

Interesting, that motor home of yours. Maybe you could post about the renovation status updates here on Hive. Just a thought.

Have a pleasant weekend! 😊

PFFT, Thought I wouldnt!! I gotta get time to do that shit tho. We just got slammed with a grip of orders this week and lemme tell ya sister... Time management and I arent on friendly terms!!! HAHA!!! I was out walking the other day And I thought about you and I talking about the festivals n shit. THEN a post about PSYCHO LAS VEGAS came across my feed. This is one event here in AMUUUUURIKA that I have been wanting to got to for the past 5-6 years. Which made me think of you and smile.

 2 years ago  

Oh that's so cool! Hahaha, in this small country of mine in South America I don't expect a huge music festival - not even an international artist - coming anytime soon, but we have been browsing the internet looking up who's performing where and where. Who knows if we'll be able to attend.

Time management and I arent on friendly terms!!! HAHA!!!

Same... 🙈
I'm working on it though hahaha. Writing it down and checking off what's done helps a little better though. Not where I want to be, but it's a start.

Thank you for that. I need to hear that last sentence more than you could ever know. And it is nice to fantasize about those far away festival's, because with out fantasy's, dream, we would even have this opportunity we have right here of us chatting from faraway lands, in different cultures and with the absolute #1 common denominator that brings worlds togather, Music. With all of my heart right now, I put out to the universe that you and a friend or two can travel to Europe, Northh America, Australia, or even Antarctica to attend something as magical as a music festival. To bask in the vibe of joy that music brings us all together. You are awesome and I have enjoyed our chatting. TY

 2 years ago  

Thank you for that. I need to hear that last sentence more than you could ever know.

It's my honor to share my story, because I know that there are others with similar struggles. I hope that I learned this way earlier, but I keep remembering that everyone has their own journey and it's not a race.

And it is nice to fantasize about those far away festival's, because with out fantasy's, dream, we would even have this opportunity we have right here of us chatting from faraway lands, in different cultures and with the absolute #1 common denominator that brings worlds togather, Music.

I agree 😊.

With all of my heart right now, I put out to the universe that you and a friend or two can travel to Europe, Northh America, Australia, or even Antarctica to attend something as magical as a music festival. To bask in the vibe of joy that music brings us all together.

Thank you and wish you the same. Oh and it's indeed a pleasure chatting. That was one of the reasons that kept me on this blockchain: getting to know others and learning from them and sharing experiences from all over the world.

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I like Bob Marley though haha.. But not all kinds of reggae songs. Just the ones that could make me chill with the beat of the music.

Rise up diz mownin. Rise up wid da smilin sun. TREE LIL BIRDS perched on my doorstep.... words to live by friend. This song really hits it for me... Speaking of which. I need to get my Three tune tuesday up!!!

Haha. Looking forward..
Nightz dude. Getting midnight here.
Thanks for the time.