A Morning Story: Mysterious so Little Thing

photo source: the internet

She was feeling too desperate, too wretched for being alive and dead at the same time. Every morning, she woke up before sunrise to do the same silly everyday routines.
But, the first thing she reached for when she hardly opened her sleepy eyes was that magic "little thing".** It was her redeemer and her redresser, the source of her bliss and her sorrow. The thing that turned her life upside down.**
For so many times, she had striven to cut that game off by getting rid of that "so little thing". The thing through which she created a world of her own, through which she surfed across the maps of so many minds and spotted the meanings of so many words.** Words that were mute, but through which she could hear voices and identify with so many souls. Words that were floating between reality and fake, but still she could grasp their meaningfulness when echoed on the walls of her heart, dispersing a complexity of feelings.** These were the words that glittered and danced charmingly in front of her dreamy eyes just to change her life forever.
**She became the woman she had forgotten for a decade, the woman she had buried deep into the darkness of her unreachable dreams. **Whatever she had done to suppress her from emerging again, her phantom revealed, then became utterly visible, hovering around her new life since that day, the day when the first words appeared on the screen of that "so little thing".

A story written by me

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Your story is very intriguing. keep writing!

Your story is very intriguing. Keep writing!