Violence in schools: " Prevention is better than cure"

in Regional Press3 years ago

Greetings to all members and friends of our Hive community. It is with pleasure that I want to begin the subject of school violence following, unfortunately, real accidents.

Today, in my country, as in everyone else, we hear of purple students or teachers being attacked, this violence has become very unfair, because it can reach or miss the death of a few teachers, and here I take the example of my colleague Sahbi ben slama.


In this article, I want to share with you this theme in order to set out the causes, manifestations and possible solutions that can eradicate this calamity.


  • How can you explain this behavior of malicious students?
  • What are the major causes of this violence?

The family:

Lack or absence of supervision of the children by his parents because of the sociological and economic overload which leads to the absence of supervision of the children.
In addition, parents are resigning from the education of their children.

The education system.

  • What I notice is that the education system has become old and inadequate to the needs of the students are leading them to protest it.

  • Lack of in-service teacher training leading to communication breakdown.

  • The actions of some teachers such as the distinction between students that provoke a sense of contempt, injustice and hatred for these teachers.

  • The overcrowding of school classes contributes to the proliferation of violent acts.

The mass media and social networks

These factors exert a negative influence because of programs that promote aggression and lose motivation for students to learn.


We can reduce the impact of violence in our schools through the involvement of not only educational bodies but also parents to monitor their children’s behaviour.

  • Listening centres for students and teachers must be set up in schools to facilitate communication.
    source: my mobile phone

  • Strengthen the educational and control role of the family.

Finally, Teaching and education are two very related concepts like body and soul, we cannot separate them. Their union gives life.

I look forward to your feedback and contributions on this theme...

See you soon.


It is a situation that is getting worse every day. You did well in revealing it, hoping to find the appropriate solutions.

You have chosen the opportune moment to pose this serious problem. We hope that our school overcomes it as soon as possible.

C'est pour cela que l'éducation est fondamentale et la prise en commum des variables que vous avez cités est très judicieuse.

Merci Monsieur à votre attention, on va essayer de notre part au moins.

FR: La violence est un signe de l'échec scolaire.
EN: Violence is a sign of school failure

This is a very important subject despite the fact that the leaders are deaf.
Good luck Riva !

Yay! 🤗
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hola "@rivahabibi", saludos amigos (; el tema de seguridad en relación a la escolaridad, debe partir desde el hogar, acompañada por políticas de estado conjuntamente con la institucionalidad publico-privada. si bien es cierto que la familia es la base fundamental de la sociedad es el canal donde esa formación va a dar frutos. el individuo que NO es corregido desde la base, también sera victima de un sistema complejo de mala influencia donde todos los elementos negativos serán percibido de manera rápida y sencilla. Es un tema complejo por diversos puntos de relevancia, entre ellos tenemos el progresivo y excesivo crecimiento del ámbito social, la influencia evolutiva de la tegnología y los medios de comunicación, ademas de las condiciones de ingreso económicos y el tiempo que se le dedica a los mas pequeños por diversas razones, son unos de los tantos factores influyentes si no existe un verdadero seguimiento en la educación. En cuanto a la enseñanza, los profesionales de la misma, se adaptan al programa de cada colegio y en base a esas políticas se desenvuelven porque es parte de un sistema. Cunado no hay una integración lineal entre la familia, la sociedad, la institucionalidad, la sociedad y el sistema gubernamental, sencillamente surgen eventos de margenes negativos. Es considerable que la seguridad es un tema de interés social en lo absoluto, por los que involucra a todos los individuos. sin embargo el acompañamiento de la seguridad publica en la sociedad debe estar presto a la prevención y no a reprimir sin la observancia de las causas de dichas problemáticas que afectan hoy día en todas partes y en toda cultura. Ello también depende del régimen jurídico de cada Estado. para reducir este tipo de problema, se debe partir desde un trabajo de campo psicosociológico, informativo y formativo, socioeconómico y considerando un estudio intrafamiliar para detectar, corregir o neutralizar un daño a tiempo y mantener una constancia en dicho aspecto. En ello se consideran todos los sentidos de familia que involucra en los nuevos tiempos la diversidad, lo difuso entre otras composiciones familiares que son mas que solo padres y madres. espero este breve comentario sea útil para los profesionales, y todos los que deseen poner practica cualquier ejercicio que sirva para coyubar y establecer una mejor convivencia en cualquier ambiente de formación entre otros.

It is a worrying subject which requires an urgent intervention of all the partners to avoid its aggravation.

You have done well in presenting this serious problem. We await the urgent intervention of the educational family.

Hope for the best future for us and our school.

Let's hope

EN: Violence is a kind of terrorism. We must fight against this extremist behavior.
FR: La violence est une sorte de terrorisme. Nous devons lutter contre ce comportement extrémiste.