IF ONLY I GET ANOTHER CHANCE! : My Nominations for the Top 3 Monthly Contest - Favorite Travel Destinations

in TravelFeed4 years ago

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Your Top 3 Monthly Contest September 2020 - Where Are Your Favourite Travel Destinations?

This month's topic: YOUR TOP 3 Favorite Travel Destinations

Here we are in September. My how times does fly. Another month of Your Top 3. Don't know what Your Top 3 is? Well, it's a monthly contest where you're asked to choose three items on different topics presented each months, then create a post listing the three nominations and explaining the reasons for your choices.

I'm way late this month at the last minute. For September, we're asked to present our three favorite travel destinations.

My Nominations are:

Nomination Number One


My Reasons for the Nomination

I know that with 24 wildfires currently raging out of control, California is the last place anyone would think of as one of their top places to visit. Well, what about the people who live there everyday and this is what they contend with. Sort of like our hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes each year. We learn to live with nature and adopt survival skills.

Although I do know that some of the fires each year are from human error or intentional.

My reason for choosing Southern California is that several years ago I visited family. They decided to take us on a tour they thought I would love. And I did. I didn't want to leave.

We visited several places during our stay. Day one of our visit, we spent time at Disney World. Too much walking for me.


The next day we visited the California Yacht Marina at Cabrillo Plaza in San Pedro. It's a delightful place to entertain guests for all type functions. The backdrop of the marina is beautiful with a gorgeous sunset.


Finally, couldn't leave without visiting the beautiful beaches. We also toured the Port of Long Beach that's famous for it's waterfront attractions.


Nomination Number Two


My Reasons for the Nomination

I took a business trip several years ago to New York. During the entire week, I was stuck at work during the day and in the hotel room after work getting ready for the next day. I didn't get a chance to take in any of the sights.

One of the places high on my list I would have loved to visit is Eternal Flame Falls. I love waterfalls, and besides wanting to visit Niagara Falls, Eternal Flame Falls is my next on my list of must-see places.

Eternal Flame Falls is located in the western part of New York. It's a small waterfall, but what makes it unique is that it's located in the Shale Creek Reserve, a section of Chestnut Ridge Park. The waterfall's location is in a small grotto at the base of the waterfall where natural gas is emitted.

Image by Mpmajewski from Wikimedia.org

So there you're looking at a waterfall in front and flames behind it. It's a truly awesome sight. And the best thing is that the flames burn nearly year round. I found out it can go out, but it's not difficult to re-light it.1

I can't wait to return one day to visit the flame it see and other places in New York.

Nomination Number Three


My Reasons for the Nomination

My last favorite travel destination is a bucket list item. I would love to visit Rome to see the amphitheatre. It was the largest amphitheatre built during that time in ancient Rome. Holding up to 80,000 people, it was used as public displays and gladiator battles. Not too glamorous use of the venue, but those were the times and thinking of the rulers.

Image by Diliff from Wikipedia.org

I hope you like my three places to visit presented here.


If you would like to participate,


on the Contest Owner's post listed above.


@flaxz initiative @iamalivechallenge: (Created a post for my blog today)


Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's personalized PHC signature created by and purchased from PHC.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
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e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.
f) Video of The Terminal Discord created and donated by @sgt-dan to The Terminal Owners for its use. Permission granted by The Terminal admins to use herein.
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1 Eterinal Fall Flames. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Flame_Falls

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Oh hey, I too would like to visit California but mostly because I want to meet Marianne West - now after reading why you would want to, I am even more convinced.

Oh I like waterfalls too, of course the Niagara is on the bucket list but now I have to add one more 😊

Here’s to you visiting them all over nice this madness is over!

Thanks and you too. But if don't get to visit, we'll always have WikiTravel :)

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my Southern Cal and my other wish list of places to go and things to see. Take care.

Epic choices @justclickindiva

All three are must visit sites. It just makes you realise how much there is to see and do around our lovely planet.

I love Roman and Greek mythology and history so the Colosseum would be exciting to say the least.

NY has evaded me so far so I am determined to, one day, make it there. The waterfall and flame look amazing.

Southern Cal just looks so cool. Most of my American adventures have been East coast or north central so I'm itching to get over to the other side.

Brilliant choices. Good luck.


Hey, it’s Q here - the mascot of the Your Top 3 Contest - just swinging by to say thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! I've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on my blog for the dpoll post!

Make sure you set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the HP and then transfer the HIVE and/or HBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @yourtop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee, but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win.There is no maximum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Hive Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.011 HBD and 6.441 HIVE over to the @yourtop3 account as your entry fee. I take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to SBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!




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Some more great choices to add to the list for the month! Glad you were able to get in an entry. I've never been to California (other than a quick hour plane change in San Diego), but I would love to visit. The wildfires are awful to read about, but as you said, many places have different natural (and man-made) occurrences to worry about, too. I think seeing the majestic redwood trees are one of the things I would most love to do--as long as there are some left! That looks like a great spot in New York state to visit. I've been to NYC, but never got to venture around the rest of the state much when I was a kid living in NJ. I know there are some great spots all around that part of the country to hit, especially to see some really stunning waterfalls. I would not be upset getting to visit Rome for a bucket list trip either! So much history there. We can keep dreaming and hoping that one day we'll get to travel again soon!

Hello. Have you ever looked up and a deadline was looming at you? Well, that was me this month for my top 3. For some reason I just couldn't get started and have numerous projects on my list, the most pressing of which were offline.

I've only lived on the Gulf Coast, and don't really desire to venture too long north of I-20. I should have added Canada, since that's been on my wish list for a long time. But you know how it is when you're rushing...every place flew out my thoughts.

There are so many exciting and mysterious places I'd love to visit. I love history, especially ancient history with pyramids. Easter Island is also on my list. But I just entered another bucket list contest and entered those, so I had to choose other intriguing spots.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great rest of your week.

Nice selections! The Colosseum is definitely on my list :)

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 22 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

I remember the lovely beaches in South California, they seemed to go on forever and the sand was really fine I seem to remember! Great timing with the sea bird in your picture there!

Ah I've heard about those falls in NY but not been to that part of the USA myself - it does look pretty cool!

The Colosseum is a superb trip back in time. I went there around 2011 although we didn't go inside, have heard pretty awesome things. You'll love the architecture around Rome, it's a great combination of history and art.

Thanks for entering this month and good luck with the contest!

Hey @justclickindiva

It’s Q here, I see that your awesome Top 3 entry post has reached 7 days old. Please remember to confirm your entry into the contest by sending half of your payout (HIVE and/or HBD) to the @yourtop3 account as your minimum entry fee.

Not sure how to find your post payout? Look in your Hive Wallet under Author Rewards to find the exact payout for your post. In the example below you would send the 0.011 HBD and 6.441 HIVE over to the @yourtop3 account as your entry fee. I’ll take it from there and convert all of the prize pool to HBD for easy prize distribution at the end of the month!


But don’t forget that you can send as much as you like for a chance to win a greater share of the prize pool. There is NO MAXIMUM! Also, send your post URL in the memo.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, I would be more than happy to assist.

Thanks for entering and good luck.

Your Top 3 Contest Mascot

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I know the drill. When I have the HDB available, I'll forward.