Indonesian Mural : Preening Woman

in StreetArt2 months ago

Greetings to all hive friends wherever they are. Thank you StreetArt Community by @heroldius as host. Mural art on the same street is about 100 meters away.


I Saw several similar wall painting depecting woman's faces expressing their appearance, the first location was a painting of a beautiful pemale figures with menor power.


The city of Sukabumi West Java, is one of the Cities that produces beautiful woman, so the expressions on the faces of woman with while skin appear.


The other painting is a painting at a road corner, with the expressions on a woman's faces and a man and glances . That is the impression conveyed through the painting's expression.







Thank you very much.
May 7, 2024


What a beautiful wall, full of colorful and beautiful art, excellent what you have found dear friend @hsidik, thank you very much for sharing with all of us
Have a great day

@jlufer Thank you, greetings, yes, it's true that strong colors Will produces good art. Thank you for stopping by and support. Happy day.


Did you hear the one about the giant pickle?
He was kind of a big dill.

Credit: reddit
@hsidik, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of curart38

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Thank you very much.

Beautiful wall with all these works. Only quality. Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Enjoy your day

@heroldius . Thank you for your attention and support. Happy day.