Screenshots Adventures on Mist Black Zones - Albion Online

English Version








Black Zones, High Risk, High Return

I wanted to share with the #GamingPhotography community my gaming experiences, and for now, Albion Online is my main refuge. January might bring other MMORPGs to the list, who knows? Outside of work hours, you'll find me clocking in at the Black Zones and Mists because, honestly, it's safer than facing the Open World.

This week has been a festival of Ganks.

Venturing into Albion Online's Black Zones involves immersing oneself in an environment filled with dangers and uncertainties. The Open World in these areas, characterized by full-loot PvP, presents a challenging dynamic where the threat of confrontation is always present.

Ganks pose a latent threat in this context, with groups of players acting as hunters seeking unsuspecting targets. These ambushes, often cunningly planned, can quickly turn what seems like a harmless encounter into a situation where survival becomes a daunting task. Maintaining constant vigilance and being prepared for imminent conflicts becomes crucial.

The valuable resources scattered in the Black Zones, while offering opportunities for Fame and Silver collection, are also targets of intense disputes. The competition for these resources can trigger fierce clashes where the reward is directly related to the involved risk.

I've lost count of how many times I've been beaten by groups of more than three players. But one on one, I can hold my own and even outmatch these opponents. Chests aren't always generous with items, but they at least secure me a stack of Combat Fame books.

Speaking of which, these books are my goldmine. I'm focusing on improving my mastery with the Mace, and I'm already at the bronze level, above 50. The difference is noticeable; my items get a power boost, and the damage from my abilities skyrockets. It's a constant journey, but each step makes me stronger in the world of Albion Online.

All images were captured during my gameplay.

Don't forget to follow me on the Hive community through this profile. I'm also present on Twitter and Reddit. I share content about AI Art, general financial topics, and cryptocurrencies through #LeoFinance, as well as #Play2Earn games.

Versão em Português

Galeria de Fotos







Zonas Negras, Alto Risco, Alto Retorno

Queria dividir com essa galera dessa nova comunidade #GamingPhotography minha experiência nos jogos, mas por enquanto, Albion Online é meu refúgio principal. Janeiro pode trazer outros MMORPGs pra lista, quem sabe? Fora do horário de trabalho, tô lá, batendo ponto nas Zonas Negras e Mists, porque, sinceramente, é mais seguro que encarar o Mundo Aberto.

Essa semana foi um festival de Ganks.

Entrar nas Zonas Negras de Albion Online implica imergir em um ambiente repleto de perigos e incertezas. O Mundo Aberto nessas áreas, caracterizado pelo PvP full loot, apresenta uma dinâmica desafiadora, onde a ameaça de confronto está sempre presente.

Os Ganks constituem uma ameaça latente nesse contexto, com grupos de jogadores atuando como caçadores, buscando alvos desavisados. Essas emboscadas, muitas vezes planejadas com astúcia, podem rapidamente transformar um confronto aparentemente inofensivo em uma situação onde a sobrevivência torna-se uma tarefa árdua. Manter uma vigilância constante e estar preparado para confrontos iminentes torna-se crucial.

Os recursos valiosos dispersos nas Zonas Negras, enquanto oferecem oportunidades de coleta de Fama e Prata, também são alvos de disputas intensas. A competição por esses recursos pode desencadear confrontos acirrados, onde a recompensa está diretamente relacionada ao risco envolvido.

Contei nos dedos quantas vezes levei surra de grupos com mais de três jogadores. Mas, mano a mano, consigo dar um caldo e até desbancar esses oponentes. Os baús nem sempre são generosos com itens, mas pelo menos me garantem uma pilha de livros de pontos de Fama em Combate.

E falando nisso, esses livros são minha mina de ouro. Estou focando em aprimorar minha maestria com o Mace, e já tô no nível bronze, acima de 50. A diferença é palpável, meus itens ganham um boost de poder, e o dano das minhas habilidades vai às alturas. É uma jornada constante, mas cada passo me deixa mais forte nesse mundo de Albion Online.

Todas as imagens foram capturadas durante minha jogabilidade.

Não se esqueça de me seguir na comunidade Hive através deste perfil. Também estou presente no Twitter e Reddit. Compartilho conteúdo sobre Arte em Inteligência Artificial, assuntos financeiros em geral e criptomoedas através de #LeoFinance, além de jogos #Play2Earn.


Is this a mobile game? I don't understand the language in your gaming screenshots but I bet those are your happy moments. What I think about your post is that it'd look great with the pictures being bigger without using the side tags. I mean, I need to zoom the pictures to check what happened there but as this community is mainly about those screenshots, they should be in focus, right?

I see MMORPGs has taken space in gamers heart in a great way although I don't like to play this type games. I preferer open-world games with good graphics like RDR2 or GTA 5.

You're right, I'll try to focus more on good moments for captures and highlight them. In Albion Online that's a bit difficult, there's danger of death at every moment.

Nice, thanks for your understanding. The difficult part makes the games more excited so don't worry, just try your best.

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Thanks for contributing in Gaming Photography.

Those are definitely some cool moments of your play but still I agree with @izuki.midoriya about the screenshots could be bigger in whole screen and the words could be written down on each screenshot.

As this community is all about special gaming moments that you can show me through screenshots, you should focus on the screenshots more and I suggest you talk about the screenshots (like at what point of the game you captured those or what did you find at that moment etc) which should be easier.

I can't wait to see more of your contribution in this community. Good luck finding those special moments from your play.