Modern Families and Their Lifestyle

in Humanitas28 days ago (edited)

I live and brought up in joined family system. I am used to this lovely and lively bond. I know that for many joined family system is fragile and not a top-notch living standard but for me it's perfect in number of ways.

Understanding of Each Individual at home

We are twenty five members living under the same roof in one building. We all interact on daily basis,do conversations from morning till night.

Sometimes we fight too and there are also so many lively moments to enjoy and to live. These liminal, spaced, paused, incomplete moments made our life special and colorful one. It's true that when we fight we think that we all should draw boundaries between us but we all remain together in all the worse, bad and happy times. In this way, we have understanding of each relative who lives with us.

Emotional & Moral Support

Many times, I feel that I am privileged that I have so many family members around me who always support me either morally or emotionally. Their support always motivates me to do more than I am actually doing. My uncle see me with proud eyes and that's real beauty of joined family that everyone regards each other.

Separate household is good?

It's up to culture, society and economic system that wetter families want to live separately or they prefer joined family system. In the culture of South Asia, culture allows joined families more than separate families because our economy, societal and cultural system is different from western nations and other nations. Although this mindset of separate living is prevailing in our own cultural context and their are many families who are living separately and being cutt off from their extended families. This is actually modern and western trend which is deeply linked with power structure and economic status of any society.

Family system is determined by your social status and this social status decides your religious status too. The higher you go in social status the more you loose grip on your religious values and the more you become financial independent then more you become independent from social norms and other societal structures.

Modern families are entrenched with financial independence and they focus more on emotional support as everyone has observed that in this time, psychological trauma, depression and stress got more highlight in society. If we analyze modern time with time of one or two decades back then we got to know that these psychological traumas were not in highlight but now these are in every other discussion. This is actually plus point of modern families that they talk about emotion and they talk about psychological well being of every individual in the household.

The one disturbing thing in modern families is divorce rate. It is shocking to see that divorce rate is reaching to it's limit and concept of single parent is dominant in almost every culture. I think this is drawback of this system. You can disagree but real beauty of a complete and beautiful family lies in the picture of family framing kids, mama and papa. No doubt, a single parent can do anything but parents have superpower with which they always shelter their kids.

This is my entry to Day 15 of Inleo Writing prompt for May.

See you next 🌸 💮 🌼

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕠 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕓𝕪.

every picture belongs to me

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


My family is separate from my relatives. Although you live in a joined family. I think I have missed many things like sitting together with cousins. But I am also happy that there are no restrictions on us. My mother is open-minded, so I am happy in it.

but you can still try it and you can still sit with your cousins. They are more like friends.

Nope they are snakes. Fake and wants something 😂 from me

 28 days ago  

Greetings, it is a pleasure to greet you.
Your appreciation is very interesting, it is good that you can share your thoughts in the community, because it has an important human and social connotation. It seems to me that it is a very complex discussion because, as you rightly point out, it responds in great part to a whole cultural system.
The other time I was watching a documentary about the value given in the east side that families can live close to each other, it helps in many cases to physical and mental health.

That is why I find social networks so interesting, being able to share different perspectives, experiences and ways of understanding the world allows us to get to know each other better as humanity.

At this point there is nothing perfect, but diversity of cultures, we hope to learn the best from each other.

Translated with

Social networks are really very strong over here as we all live together in a connected system of living.
Thank you so much for appreciating me with your words 💞

Taha, long time no hear from you. But I've caught up now and see that you've been very active and have a big family. I'm so glad that you find all kinds of support in your family, especially emotional support.

Truly, in modern societies, stress and depression are wreaking havoc. People lack the tools to love themselves. Social media, if you're not clear on who you are, what you are, and don't feel secure in yourself, can cause a lot of harm and insecurity by pushing you to replicate patterns and behaviors of other people.

Hugs, friend.

Finally you appeared like an angel 😇 😂
Yes... Long time as these days I am not giving much time to hive(just posting and going back to real life) .
I am happy that you still find me in all these chaotic days. I am obliged.
Yes... We live in 25 family members. It's really good and enjoyable to sit on dinning table with 24 others 😂
Hugs, friend.