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RE: Trippin' out

Lots of great traveling in this one, Fiona.

I've never been to NY! I have one failed attempt to go there on new year 94 but our flight was cancelled because LaGuardia airport runway was frozen. Very cool about your buddy in Chicago. It's a great show, we saw it on the West End.

Japan is well and truly on my list. I've always wanted to go. It kind of represents, in my head, the culture furthest from ours. Everything will be totally different. Tokyo looks mental and a lot of exploration, learning and fun.

I love your loyalty to SA and it certainly doesn't look misplaced. The pictures look awesome. I would definitely love to bring my bike over a try out some of the routes and events.

Good luck



Thanks, Gaz. Do add South Africa to your list - bike or no bike - we do have a diverse country. And if you do decide, and you are in the know where to find me!

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