Things To Consider When Choosing Our Friends

in Lifestyle5 months ago

Speaking of friendship, it is always unpredictable, because it can be a blessing or, a challenge one has to face. In my lifetime I have not been short of friendship issues but the good has always outweighed the bad. Reflecting over the time spent in the school, I think it's right to share three valuable tips adopting to my young inexperienced self on the matter of friendships.


Firstly, in order to work efficiently it is required to understand the level of the different people, their beliefs and background secondly, it is necessary to understand different types of peer groups. Not all of the friends that you have are those who wish the best for you. There are people who can lead you astray, who will encourage you to take a wrong path. There are fellow friends who can influence your life in a positive way, who are ready to assist where necessary. It applies to the choices you make when choosing your friends and colleagues always choose people that make you want to be a better person.

The other factor that is essential in building a proper friendships includes building good relationship with others. Business relationships that are being formed today hold potential to influence business in the future. Being with good friends who have the right goal and direction as you helps you to have the right support. They can assist with every problem that you may face in life and to enjoy every success. One should surround yourself with people who positively affect the decision making process, and personal development as well.

And, of course, having a trustworthy person that can be called at any time is extremely helpful. One of the best things you can call for in a friend is a listener, someone you can pour out your mind and emotions to knowing for sure that they won’t let you down. This person is always there for you whenever you hit rock bottom and needs someone to turn to for help. It is possible for one to have close friendships that are healthy and gratifying to your spirit, soul and well being.

Personal reflections for me have always been an important groundwork, particularly when focusing on friendships, these relationships have always been so enlightening and joyful for me. All through my school and up to the time I joined a workplace, I have made many friends, and I am grateful for having made those friends in several ways. These relationships have offered me happy moments, comfort and friendship in whatever life has been offering me.

In as much as friendships bring happiness it also important to note that one needs to be careful. Some people are not friendly because their intention is not good and they may want to take advantage of you. Actively careful about what kind you surround yourself with and make an effort to maintain warm and healthy friendship.