Super Baby

in Caturdaylast year

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The Super Baby is getting older but she's still tiny. I love my little shadow kitty so much. She's my 3rd black cat and there are 3 more black kittens now outside. When we moved into this house it actually came with 10 outside cats lol. We took 2 of them in but the others are quite feral. I fixed the ones that were female so they would stop reproducing, but I apparently missed one of them. A few weeks ago I noticed that she brought 3 kittens near the back door. I'm not even going to say what the total amount of cats that we have now are. It's an unacceptable amount lol.
The kittens are now coming over to the food that I put outside so I have the vet appointment to get momma cat fixed next week. I'm not sure how I ended up with all these cats in my's crazy.


Midjourney Super Baby


Midjourney Super Baby



😊🤙 nice. i got a little black kitty at home also..


awww cute!

Well, she's super adorable! Oh, and there's no such thing as "too many cats!"


haha true!