Feliz Caturday sobre todo para los que tienen gatos naranja

in Caturday10 hours ago


En estas fiestas, el frio ha estado super fuerte y Pato a conseguido estar aun mas fresco en su ventana habitual

"During these holidays, the cold has been super strong and Pato has managed to be even cooler in his usual window"


El sintió mi presencia, lamentablemente no pude tomarle mas fotos mientras dormía

"He felt my presence, unfortunately I couldn't take more photos of him while he was sleeping."


Pero en la noche, si me dijo "tomame una foto así, así como sino me doy cuenta, que resalten mis ojos y mi estilo" con sus manitos blancas, como si el traje naranja le cubriera hasta ahí.

"But at night, he did tell me "take a photo of me like this, just as if I didn't realize it, let my eyes and my style stand out" with his little white hands, as if the orange suit covered him up to that point."


Honestamente, parece un señor gato de negocios, uno de esos que mueve la mafia, pero la verdad, es que a pesar de su espíritu aventurero, Pato, es un gato muy cobarde.

"Honestly, he seems like a business cat, one of those who moves the mafia, but the truth is that despite his adventurous spirit, Pato is a very cowardly cat."


Ahora venimos con los extra de esta semana, de momento, tenemos a dos, el primero es un familiar lejano de Pato, que estaba en el consultorio de mi novia, solo que el en vez de heredar la locura, heredo una cola super frondosa.

"Now we come with this week's extras, for now, we have two, the first is a distant relative of Pato, who was in my girlfriend's office, only instead of inheriting madness, he inherited a super bushy tail."


Y como siempre, debe haber una gata diva, que en su lugar favorito, aprovechando la luz del sol, logra ese estilo que nos deslumbra a todos.

Feliz caturday!

"And as always, there must be a diva cat, who in her favorite place, taking advantage of the sunlight, achieves that style that dazzles us all.

Happy caturday!"