Life's Latest Episode

in Hive PH6 months ago

Hello there Hivers!! How's life treating you lately? I hope it's been doing well. I'm excited to share what happened about my life lately in this blog.

This picture was absolutely my best shot. As you can see it was? right? It just looks nice HAHHSHSHS. It was taken at my classmates place particularly in the place of her lolo. When we decided to get some bamboo for our Christmas tree.

We were greeted by a variety of fruits, so we asked my classmate if we could have some because it was so tempting to eat as it was just what it looked like. I love how this trip is not planned , it just happened naturally. It's those unexpected get-aways that turn into memorable memories.

This cute puppy caught my attention, urging me to capture its cuteness. We just dropped by our classmates house and surprisingly there was a bunch of puppies.

After grabbing some papayas, we went to the kitchen to slice and cut them into pieces. Papayas for us is not complete without its partner the "SUKA" known as vinegar. With only two papayas, for us five, it felt like a lot. The extra ones became a treat for our classmates, it's just like a little surprise (pasalubong) they were so happy that we shared some papayas we got.

We enjoyed the papayas so much, laughing and talking about some stuff. Creating memories as enjoyable as the sweet papayas were eating.

This project was given to us, and passing it , before 5 it was so quite challenging to me because I don't know how to create this. At 1 pm,we were told to go to the gate for a motorcade where we had to wave our white flags that we made. Despite not finishing my project, I went to the gate as a responsible student. The parade finished at 3:00 pm, and I have just 2 hours to finish my project.

Thankfully, my schoolmates helped me during this tough time of mine. Thank you to those who helped me know who you are. I truly appreciate your help love you all♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

Lately, I've been into books and I loved going to library HAHHSHAHHS jk. I just loved a picture that my classmate took, it was in the library, even though it was stolen and I looked quite cute. The reason was, we had this because I participated in a contest for the " CUTEST PHOTO IN THE LIBRARY".

We had no idea about the rules and mechanics we just captured ourselves. I felt a bit sad, realizing that we spent our time doing something wrong. But the important thing is that we send our entry HAHHAHAHHS.

I achieved High Honor it was once just a dream for me, but thank god I made it happen. Dreams come true when you really give your best to achieve it. One thing that really helped me was manifesting. Manifesting it means thinking positively and believing it will happen one day.

So along with hard work, I also think positive thoughts. And yes, surprisingly it worked for me. So the advice that I must give to my fellow students, dream big, work hard, and throw positive thoughts you might just be surprised one day that it comes true.

(used with permission from Karen)

Congratulations to my classmates, good job guys. I'm excited to see what we achieve in the next recognition. I hope we platinumians are all achievers next quarter. Also a big thanks to our amazing teacher, @callmesmile for you guidance and support, and we genuinely love having you as our teacher.

That's all for today's blog! I hope you enjoy reading my blog, Thanks for sticking till the end. Love lots!!! Greetings ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱


Those puppies are too cute! I am jealous. Also, congratulations on your achievements! Keep it up.

Yes indeed, they were so cute(⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠). Thankyou @indayclara

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Bayabas ito? Ito ang paborito ko noong bata pa ako.

yes it is!! (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)