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RE: It's World's Mi Amor Day.

in Hive PHlast month

Happy birthday to her and she is really a beauty I must confess. It really runs in the family the beauty I mean and I love the fact that you really took time to celebrate her special day. She must really be a blessing in your life and must have helped you in a lot of ways. That is awesome to see that we have people in our lifes which is blessed


She is really a blessing and a beauty. Thank you for your appreciation and also celebration of her. It means a lot and duly appreciated.

She is truly a blessing and people like that we must continually celebrate them because they are God sent gift to us. We must not always take their presence in our lives for granted actually

That's it... humans will always go to where they are celebrated rather than where they are tolerated. It's good not to take anyone for granted.

Perfectly true. I made those mistakes years ago in which I took some people in my life for granted and I am actually regretting it right now but affliction will not rise the second time any longer. I always take time to celebrate people in my life because they mean so much to me