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RE: The more complex they're , the more it's difficult to Stay Human - Unity Challenge Conclusion [EN - FR]

I'm glad that I was able to join again this week. I enjoyed reading your tools analysis above.

The most important thing is how we can use tools at our disposal to our benefit and not let them be a great source of distraction from our roots or things that matter in our life.

 last year  

You’ve said it all !

Thanks you for joining again :) May you have a pleasant weekend 🍀

Have you created the curation trial for the @unity-freedom account? It is telling me that is not exixt.

 last year  

Ah, that’s strange... I will see that when I will get close to my computer :)

I’ll let you know !

Alright, it could be from my end. I will keep checking it as well.

 last year  

Also, when I create it, it maybe didn’t work on my side :)

Is possible

 last year  

Now, after checking, I think it’s well settled 😂

Take care 😘✌🏼