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RE: The more complex they're , the more it's difficult to Stay Human - Unity Challenge Conclusion [EN - FR]

The more complex a tool is, the more difficult it is to identify the uses that are really useful to us. Today, 80% of the time people spend connected is spent playing games or sending videos by the thousands. But is this making them happier or more independent ? I doubt it... On the other hand, I think that if used properly, these tools would (and already do) allow us to do great things and for some to provide an income and a means of living, which is just as noble.

The tools correspond to models of society. The more we develop life over phones at the expense of shovels, the more we will need them.

"If it's free, you're the product." This is a sentence from a French film about advertising that has always stuck in my head. Have you ever wondered why the Internet is almost totally free ?

Of a shovel or a telephone, which one dominates you more? Who is the servant or the tool of the other in the end ? Something to think about...


 last year  

Thanks you 😇 ! Tried to express to reality of how I see the world regarding that topic and point of view :)

Hopefully poetry and fiction are here to lift and light the world !!

Have a good coming week 🍀