Diving into Web 3 and the OCD Onboarding Program: A Successful Hive Orientation at Workplace Cafe in Mandaue City  

in Loving HIVE ❤2 months ago
Hey there, dearest Hivers! How’s your week so far? I hope you’re all doing fine. Here I am, grappling with some real-life starter packs. But anyway, today’s chapter will be about the Hive orientation that was conducted on March 10, 2024. Yes, that’s exactly last Sunday, because we can’t make it on Saturday since most of us have our internship duties. Therefore, we planned beforehand to have it pushed through on the said day, to be held at the same meeting place as usual, the amazing and cozy Workplace Café.
If you haven’t read my previous blogs with regards to our orientation conducted on the same brand but different branches, please see here for the Guadalupe branch and click here for the Mandaue City branch. This time, the same as the latter, we’ve agreed to have it happen at Workplace Café in Mandaue since it was more convenient considering the locations of the attendees. The booking reservation was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. So, I made sure to be ahead of time so that I could give exact directions to the attendees. I arrived at the Workplace Café at 8:12 a.m.
With that, I was at the roadside, waiting for them to come. Actually, the attendees are my friends and my friends’ friends. There’s supposed to be 10 attendees in total, however, only four came. But that doesn’t matter at all, the Hive orientation must go on. Thereafter, we entered the café, and I’ve set up everything. They're the attendees, and since we’ve already known each other, I then directly proceeded to the orientation. I chose Workplace Café so that we could have a formal orientation about Hive since, just like me before, they didn’t have any background about Hive until someone introduced it. Initially, I’ve discussed with them what Hive is and how it differs from Web2 platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms. I’ve made it known to them that Hive is a blockchain that is decentralized and uncensored. They’re so amazed by the fact that no one owns your account but you. They also got overwhelmed by knowing about a Web 3 blockchain like Hive since, as of today, they're still in the Web 2 era, and I see that as an additional motivation to let them know more about Hive as they wished.

I’ve made them fully aware that Hive is an ecosystem with hundreds of apps and that it is not only limited to blogging, as they perceived. Anything that they’re interested in and passionate about has its corresponding spots and communities where they could perfectly share it, depending on where they wanted to strive in Hive. In terms of blogging, I've also pointed out the importance of putting their blogs, which they wanted to do, in communities where it perfectly fits, and that each community has its own rules and regulations that they have to follow. I've also explained to them the governance currency of Hive, which is HIVE, the stable coin HBD, and how the rewards system works.

Following that is the exploration of the Peakd interface. I’ve highlighted everything about Peakd, and we chose the Peakd site since the tools are user-friendly and easy to navigate. Additionally, I also discussed the sites that they could use as alternatives, such as Hive.blog, Ecency, and other interfaces. I’ve tutored them on how everything works, from creating their posts, following people, and subscribing to communities of their interests up to engaging with other users, which is one of the most important aspects of Hive for a more interactive and striving online community. With all that, I’m glad to hear that they found this interface easy to use at all, and they've known everything that they have to know.

Moreover, I’ve discussed with them that the orientation we conducted is supported by OCD, or Original Content Decentralized, which offers an onboarding program for the newcomers in which they’ll be part. I’ve also discussed the projects of OCD, such as the OCD Communities Incubation Program, Other Niche Communities Curation, Love Sniper Intro Post Curation and Retention, and lastly, OCD onboarding program, which I’ve just initially communicated to them and for which they feel grateful. After all, they found OCD to be a great opportunity upon entering this online community, and I just hope that they'll continue to stay in Hive.

Additionally, the first step in formally joining Hive is the self-introduction blog. They’ve been guided that disclosing their real names, or may it be anonymously, would be both fine, depending on what they prefer. Self-introduction is indeed a self-portfolio, which will also be helpful for other Hivers to get to know more about you, including your interests, hobbies, and passions, as well as what they can expect from your future write-ups. I’ve also pointed out that writing their introduction and succeeding blogs corresponds to different dos, which serve as their guidelines for quality contents, and to different don'ts, which guide them to never ever engage in such acts.



The attendees have been guided accordingly, and these were some of the topics we’ve tackled in our discussion that serve as their guiding light and friendly reminder upon joining Hive. This is in order to encourage them to write quality blogs and for them to be constantly reminded of the things that they shouldn’t do in Hive, may it be any form of abuse.

After that, as a concluding part of the orientation, is the question and answer portion and chitchats with the attendees with these complimentary drinks from Workplace Café, the yummy iced tea.
Overall, I’m over the moon for this successful orientation. A very special thanks to my seniors, because I’ve really learned a lot from them. May Hive continue to strive, and may we continue to grow as a community!


Congratulations for the successful orientation @jeannmazing, proud of you😘❤❤

Thank you so much, @digdeeper2! You can join with us too soon. 🫶

Congratulations on the job well done, Thank you for helping us spread Hive. Proud of what you are doing.

Thank you so much, sir, @intoy.bugoy! 🫶 I'll never stop saying thank you to all of you, for constantly guiding and supporting me from day one until now. 🤍

Te felicito, espero que sean muchos más encuentros como este, seguro la próxima vez se sumarán muchos más participantes
Te deseo muchos éxitos

¡Muchas gracias por las palabras amables! Tienes razón, traigamos todos a más personas a Hive. Tengo muchas ganas de tener otra orientación pronto. Muchas gracias por pasar por aquí. Te aprecio mucho, @crisch23. ❤️

Me gusta participar activamente ojalá tengamos la oportunidad de vernos en algún lugar de nuestro hermoso país

Proud of youu @jeannmazing !🤗

Thank you very much, @maryjolly! 🥹❤️

Great job on the orientation! Your dedication to introducing others to Hive is commendable. Keep up the fantastic work couz🥰🥳

Thank you so much, couz! 🥺🫶

Fantastic work on the Hive orientation @jeannmazing! Your effort in educating others about the platform is truly inspiring. Keep spreading the Hive!

Thank you so much, @johnfritz246! ❤️

congratulation po

Thank youuuuuu, @queeniemary! 🫶❤️

Excellent guidance, congratulations, keep going.

Lovinghive ❤️

Thank you so much, @soychalbed! 🤗