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RE: Hive's Most Effective (But CONTROVERSIAL) Marketing Video (So Far)

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago

Great job on the video and I think it's great to target a specific audience. While the monetary aspect is great in relation to content creators, I don't see any reason not to push it in front of users. However I have been hearing talks about how people want to move away from first layer rewards and I think that might also be detrimental towards people when they start. Of course it is just talks and nothing really substantial has been proposed yet.

On a side note, this is a great video to onboard users but I read some of the comments and maybe having a link at the end to one of your guides might make things easier. I still stand by my own decision that the feeless and fast transactions are the biggest advantage HIVE currently has. This means that we can appeal to developers and it may be possible to attract people who don't know about HIVE. Of course that doesn't mean we should disregard your approach as I think we need many different ways to appeal to the general public.


Thanks for swinging by and offering your comments and insights! I'm glad you like the video. I've seen a lot of 'talk' from the talkers of the world, so I guess we'll see if it ends up backed by action in this case.

I could've linked it to my own guide, but chose not to in order to 'wake people up' to the fact that Hive's landing pages and onboarding materials need serious improvement. This video can send a ton of traffic... what they do with it is up to them. :)

Feeless/fast transacts are the biggest advantage hive has when targeting developers.

Rewarding social binging with crypto is the biggesst advantage hive has when targeting 'normies', 'users', 'consumers', or 'the masses.'

One hook appeals to one audience, another hook appeals to another, with little (if any) overlap.

Anyway, thanks again for your input, wishing you a great day! 🙏