Importance of reaching out to influential people and telling them about Hive

in Loving HIVE ❤2 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

Over the years that I have been a member of this amazing community, I have onboarded dozens of people here but none of them have started out their Hivean journey as epically as my most recent recruit - @craftingwithreny. They (it´s actually a couple - Reny and her husband Tom) literally took Hive by storm with their yesterday intro, which is in fact still occupying one of the top spots on the trending page even today. This is how it´s doing after just some 24 hours :)

Bez názvu.png

Almost 500 upvotes worth 285 dollars, more than 100 comments and still counting. Wow. That´s some crazy engagement on a newbie´s first post and can tell you that Reny and Tom were just as surprised and excited about the feedback as I was. So thank you so much everyone for stopping by their post and leaving a welcoming comment or vote, much appreciated!

Now why am I actually talking about this? We have newbies joining our community every day, there is nothing special about it, I know. But as you have probably noticed, these guys are VERY successful on other social media and their combined fan base totals at almost 3 million people. That´s a pretty big crowd.

As you can imagine, I have been spending a lot of time on the phone with Tom (he is actually the tech person behind the craft project), explaining a lot of stuff that newbies usually ask about etc. but I can tell you, just by the phone calls we have had, that he and Reny are so honestly and genuinely pleased, impressed and excited by our community and Hive in general. They cannot wait to start posting and engaging here regularly and, even more importantly for us, introducing Hive to their fans! How cool is that? Now imagine if thousands, tens of thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of their fans from Facebook and other socials start rolling in to Hive to support their favorite craft creators. It would only be a matter of time before the fans would realize how cool this place actually is, what incredible possibilities Hive offers and that they can actually monetize even the support itself (through curation rewards I mean). The snowball effect that this could potentially trigger could be enormous.

So the point is don´t be afraid to reach out to famous people with large fan bases to tell them about Hive. I know, it was easy for me this time because I know these guys personally (me and Tom have been friends for almost 20 years) but even if you don´t know the people personally, just go for it and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose. I´m sure if people knew about the actual possibilities and potential of the whole Web 3.0 concept, the decentralized world and the crypto / blockchain social networks like Hive, they would switch from the Web 2.0 obsolete, corrupted juggernauts right away. We just need to reach out to them. We just need to tell them. We just need to show them.

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


Thanks again to you for introducing us to Hive! So far its been exciting 24 hours haha :D We can't wait to see where this will go 😁

Exciting indeed. I know where this is going though. To the Moon and beyond! :D

🚀 :D Indeed

even if you don´t know the people personally, just go for it and give it a shot. You have nothing to lose.

I can feel the emotions of promoting HIVE as a loyal hivean - I do promote most of my posts in my office workplace and it gets thousands of views. People joining here may not actually monetize their posts sooner and get disappointed but definitely, we will get some investors out of that. And when someone with a large fan base promotes hive, its highly possible that, many investors would notice it. I even think, we should to a promo on HBD interest to attract investors - it will ultimately impact HIVE price.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Onboarding is one thing but retention is another one, just as important... Those 12% APR on HBD savings definitely has the potential to attract some investors. Pretty decent DeFi option :)

And if big investments flow into HBD, then HIVE will moon.

Right :)

Bravo!!👏👏 Huge achievement!!
Masívny úspech, len vďaka Tebe;)🙌HIVE ON!!

Díky :) :* Ale len vďaka mně nee, byla to týmová práce ;)

I tried doing this with a number of relatively famous fitness influencers. The key process was something that chased them away. It's a tough concept to get across to some people and good on ya' for being able to pull this off!

Yeah, I know, that struggle is real. I think I was only able to do pull this off because they are my friends...

This is massive, guess I'll keep on the big whale around me who would pull in more people to hive via their large network.
Thanks for sharing and the pep talk.
Have a blessed day ahead.

Thanks for stopping by. If there is some influencer around you, just go for it and tell him about what Hive has to offer :)

Holy shit.

I've tried onboarding people quite a few times, but most were excited for five minutes and then forgot about it; or were too lazy to handle keys and etc =/

Great job onboarding your friends!

Yea, I know buddy, this struggle is real. Still, however, a few of my recruits made it pass those stages and been here with us ever since, happy hiving almost daily :)

Brilliant to see, and hopefully many of their 2.5 millions followers follow and if each of us can try to on board even one or two people, we will really stir up our eco system further. Onwards and upwards for Hive.

Right :) We are still relatively small but once we get those Hivean snowballs rolling... Rest in peace, Facebook! :D

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Woohoo, thank you so much guys!

Wow! It is like a lottery for a newbie.

Haha exactly! :D I tried to get some extra support for that post because I wanted it to be seen but I didn´t expect such tsunami :)

It is definitely a good way in promoting the blockchain

There is some huge potential indeed. Thanks for reading the post :)

Beautifully said.
I have onboarded dozens of newbies as well and most of them often give up on hive. I have tried countless ways to make them see how this can be the beginning of their cryptocurrency journey. Maybe they are just antisocial and prefer the fake things with easy posting guide on Facebook.

I often feel we need more technical people with computer knowledge and those sound in the knowledge of other blockchain to join our hive.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I hear you. Most of my onboards are not active anymore either but that only makes me prouder on those who have stayed with us :) Honestly, the Hive ecosystem is very complex and we all remember how difficult it was for us to learn the ropes when we started out as newbies so I totally get that many of them feel like giving up on it but that´s when we should step in and help them. I know it can get frustrating to repeat all the stuff over and over but whenever a friend of mine wants to give Hive a chance, I do it again with patience :)

Am more patient with them too even in the middle of the night some will call for clarifications 😂

Almost 500 upvotes worth 285 dollars, more than 100 comments and still counting.

Four years on Hive and I have never achieved that :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As far as I remember, neither have I :)

We failed... :))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Did we? :D

Great job my friend.

Thanks :)

I think this is a great thing and I hope this introduces a bunch of new people over to HIVE. Even a 1% transition rate would be amazing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, 1% from 3 M would be 30,000 people, that would still be a decent onboard feat :) Thanks for stopping by.

You just popped an idea in my head right now.

I guess.. I will explore it

Glad to know that, I hope you will turn that idea into an action :D Good luck :)

I should

WOW!That is amazing! Great job @phortun. Followed her already!

Cool! Thank you :)

Hey there buddy. Long time no see. I'm glad to see things look normal on your page here. They are anything but normal on my page. Not sure if you seen it yet this is what happens when people try to make a bitch out of me 10 weeks and counting.

Yes, I saw that. I am sorry how it all ended, that you didn´t find a way to resolve it and reconcile with them. Some of your series were really good, like those videos were you shared your tips on budget travel etc. I think it was when you "turned on the autopilot" churning out many similar posts with little to no engagement every week what triggered all this drama. Also, I didn´t know you were still posting on Steemit too, that´s another thing that many people (including me) here on Hive are not a fan of... It´s sad how it all ended though. I am sorry.

It's all good. I never had a gun to anyones head to up-vote me. I do a highly visual blog, and that's what people came to see and for me to get hanged for it is ridiculous. Further more. I sold my profits from steem and bought hive at 10 cents with it. Technically hurting steem and helping put a bottom in for Hive. But apparently nobody here has any common business sense. I find that sad, as hive could easily be a top 100 alt coin if the leaders led with more between their ears. I enjoyed your friendship here, hope you don't tie hive and me as person together too strongly. I've got so much more going on than just hive. I just hate unjustly being made a bitch out of. So I'm feeling far far better exposing the sadistic practices of this disgusting group of people, and so far it's clearly shaking things up. Wait for the next revelation and watch the cockroaches scurry into damage control mode once again. Pathetic. They are morally bankrupt and get off on it. Truly sick. Best to you and Tammy buddy and thanks for the kind words. PS make sure not to take the vax, deaths in Israel now spiking.