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RE: The longest kickstarter ever: Tanares RPG - D&D 5e

in Tabletop / DNDlast month

To be fair, the quality looks good, and the DM Screen looks like it might actually be useful. I wonder if the dragon was made for them by Reaper, it looks like their kind of style.

A cheat for painting might be to slap on a primer & basecoat, then just put a wash over it to pick out the details. It's enough to get the figures onto the table without people going "ewww, plastic !" Then you can come back and use that as a basis for doing a proper job at a later stage.


It is definitely good quality. I forgot to mention when referencing my notes, but like... those books are WAY more dense than they first appear from the outside. Part of that means that the paper is thinner than you'd get from a WotC product, but it's still beefy enough that I think it'll have good long term durability, and the books are absolutely jam-packed.

I'm really excited to read the Players Guide To Tanares as it appears to be entirely worldbuilding about the setting, and is 330 pages or so long. There are a few new 5e compatible races and subclasses, but a lot of the content looked like it was mostly worldbuilding when I was thumbing through it last night. I'm hoping to sit down during my lunch hour at work and read with a bit more focus!

And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it's Reaper produced - it has the 'not resin' feel to it that makes me think it's whatever the hell they use that is nearly indestructible. Good tips, I'll look into trying that!

lol, I'll have to write a post about the various material Reaper uses..... it's a surprisingly complex subject !

But I've been thinking for a while of setting up a separate Hive account for my business (to keep it separate from me the human's account, both for privacy and for accounting purposes), so I might save it as a post for that 😁

I will try to keep my eyes peeled and see if I can't spot it when you do!