Buenas buenas! Les traigo un lindo accesorios para los pequeños de nuestras casas o amiguitos, esta linda cartera en forma de una naranja, bastante práctica también para ir enseñando a ir identificando las frutas, ahora sin mucho qué decir los materiales fueron
Hello hello! I bring you a nice accessory for the little ones in our homes or friends, this nice purse in the shape of an orange, quite practical also to teach how to identify the fruits, now without much to say the materials were
- Foami naranja
- Foami amarillo
- Foami verde escarchado
- Silicon y tijeras
- Orange foam
- Yellow foam
- Frosted green foam
- Silicone and scissors
- Vamos a realizar dos círculos del mismo tamaño, más recordando una tira recta (del grosor a su gusto)
We are going to make two circles of the same size, plus a straight strip (of the thickness to your liking)
- Luego esa tira se debe ir pegando por sus lados
Then that strip should be glued on its sides.
Quedando así
Leaving like this
- Para taparse los bordes se le colocan dos tiras pequeñas a sus alrededores
To cover the edges, two small strips are placed around them.
- Y para su agarradero le pegamos otra tira de foami a sus lados ,yo aqui le recorté pequeñas formas la tira cómo se observa en la fotografía
And for its handle we glued another strip of foam to its sides, here I cut out small shapes from the strip as seen in the photograph
- Y se empieza lo que es la decoración,le realicé sus ojitos,boca y sus hojas de la naranja
And the decoration begins, I made the eyes, mouth and orange leaves.
- Con el foami amarillo pegué a su aldedor y en lados cómo se aprecia en la fotografía
With the yellow foam I glued around it and on the sides as you can see in the photograph.
Quedando así
Leaving like this
And that's it! This is how the little purse looks like!
Photos taken by my Infinix Smart 9 and PicsArt and Gif Market applications
What a cute idea for a children's purse. The orange shape is creative, and the details like the eyes and leaves really bring it to life. Thanks for sharing such a fun and easy tutorial.
Your little one will so much appreciate this paper craft purse you made for her. It's beautiful in this orange shape. Nice job dear.