
Hello I am Fallowing you now to help support the Canada front end on Hive, a room which you have joined. I hope to interact more and soon in the room.
Wow that is quite a piece of worked wood. How is the accuracy of it? Do you make your own quivers as well?

it is as accurate as i am haha. i do have a design for a quiver on the back burner that i want to do one day! thanks for the follow!

ill be looking out for when the quiver post is loosed. Cheers.

Dear @prairiemtnman13,

The current HiveBuzz proposal will expire in a few days.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, /
or using HiveSigner.

Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!

how do i go abouts doing that?

Thank you for your support @prairiemtnman13, much appreciated!
The HiveBuzz team wishes you all the best for 2022! Have a Happy New Year ✨🥂✨