Hi my dear friends,
Sri Lanka is known for its tropical climate and scorching hot days, which can be tough to bear. But there's nothing like a refreshing glass of passion fruit juice to cool you down and quench your thirst. So I decided to prepare a this juice for my kids who will be returning home from school shortly and in this post, I'll share a simple recipe for making this delicious beverage at home.
Given the scorching weather in Sri Lanka, I decided to prepare a refreshing passion fruit juice for my kids who will be returning home from school shortly.
5-6 passion fruits
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
Ice cubes
Method of making
Cut the passion fruits in half and scoop out the pulp and seeds using a spoon.
Add the pulp and seeds to a blender along with the water. Blend until smooth.
Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove any seeds and pulp.
Transfer the juice to a jar.
Now add the sugar and salt to the juice and mix well.
Serve the passion fruit juice over ice cubes and enjoy!
Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking. If the passion fruits are already sweet, you may not need as much sugar.
You can add some mint leaves or lime juice to the juice for extra flavor.
If you don't have a blender, you can mash the pulp and seeds with a fork and then strain it through a sieve.
This passion fruit juice recipe is a simple and refreshing way to beat the heat on those hot Sri Lankan days. Give it a try and let us know what you think!
Thank you.....😍😍😍
Si es ideal para esos días de calor las frutas cítricas tienen esa propiedad de refrescar
I'll try it 😜
Yeah sure you will have that fruit
Have it but didn't tried 😔