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RE: A Victim Of Reprisal; The Personal Lessons

in BDCommunity2 years ago

The world only looks at the face value. They judge us by what is just in front. Hardly anyone bothers to see the hidden sides if the story.

I have heard from many people that I am lucky. Some even craved for being at my place. They see what is visible to them. They have no idea what battles I fought alone and pains I bore without giving it to anyone else's knowledge. Sometimes, I simply feel emotionless to such comments. At other times, I want to feel like screaming and tell them the facts you see about me are only the half truth. There are hidden truths too


Yeah, sometimes people don't see the efforts you put in, they equate every of your hardwork to luck which can be fair to some extent. In reality I try as much as possible to be my objective self, because nothing ever pleases people.

nothing ever pleases people.

That's the truth. No matter how good we present us, people simply overlook everything when we do a little against their wills