my sundarban trips.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hi friends , how are you all? today i would like to share with you about my experience journey at Sundarbans,

The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Which is located in Khulna division of Bangladesh. Every year tourists from different places come to visit the Sundarbans to enjoy the natural beauty of the Sundarbans.
The Sundarbans is named after the famous Sundarbans tree,
Also the Sundarbans filled with rose leaves, keora, bain etc. trees.
The last two days I went to visit the Sundarbans. However, due to the small trawler, we were not allowed to enter the Sundarbans for safety
Even then I enjoyed the trip as much as possible.
The Sundarbans is home to a variety of species, including the Royal Bengal Tiger, crocodile, deer, red crab, snake and monkey.
I saw a deer as soon as I entered. The deer are very beautiful to look at. I grabbed them by the hand and spent some fun time with the deer. I fed them leaves.
The sky was terribly beautiful
Sleeping in the trawler all night
Woke up in the morning
Seeing such a rising sun filled my mind.
The sunrise scenario was awesome and quite enjoyable to me.
There are also many red crabs in the Sundarbans. When i go to crabs, they enter the hole. It feels great to see crabs running around.
What i say about the monkey!!
The monkeys are very naughty and beautiful. They were very happy to see us. We bought chips ,biscuits for them. When they saw the food in our hands, they ran and took it away.
The crocodile has risen by the pond to bask in the sun.
I took pictures at that moment.
It also looked very scary.
In a word, it was a wonderful tour. Insha Allah, I will go to Sundarbans again.
thanks all.

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