A letter to the Past - Please say Hi to our family

in BDCommunity3 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for [Contest][150 Hive in prizes] A letter to the Past hosted by @BDCommunity.
The topic here is to write a letter to your past self ten years ago.
Thanks @tegoshei for nominating me. I haven’t entered to a contest for a long time. I’m not much of a writer but I’ll give it try.
I would like to invite @whatisnew. I haven’t seen her for a long time. I’m hoping that this invitation will reach her somehow and she would start blogging again. We miss you @whatisnew !


Dear me who have 10 years to catch up to ME,

Hello, how are you?
I’m writing this because I thought you might be wondering where is your life taking you.
Well, first of all, we haven’t got to the end of the rainbow yet haha. It shouldn’t be a surprise. The picture above could be one of the clues though ;) The life is not so easy but I must tell you that whatever it’s bothering you the most is going to be OK. If I recall correctly, you are staring at our youngest daughter’s feet every other minutes and wondering why she limps 10 years ago. Soon you’ll find that one of her feet is swollen and you will rush to the hospital, make so many trips between different doctors but nobody could tell you what is going on. She will be diagnosed as Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 6 months later. The doctors at rheumatology clinic would want to put her on many different medications. I know you are not so fond of western medicine, especially for your 20 months old but the doctors are very good at assessing how your daughter is doing and you will find help from a very good naturopathic doctors soon. It’ll take up to 4 months for the medications or herbal supplement and nutritional supplement to start showing the effect so be patient. She is one of the very lucky ones. She will be in remission from this disease before she turns 4.
She is 11 years old now. She is still a busy little girl like she was. Very healthy and very happy. Although, she is not very active. I would keep her in the swimming or ballet lesson even her coordination of arms and legs aren’t very good and frustrating to see her not being able to perform well. She loves playing video games and creating some funny animation on Nintendo DS right now. She said she wants to be a Youtuber someday.

Our other daughter is 18 years old now.
Omg...is she 8 years old there? She must be really cute. She is a very good little helper around her baby sister isn’t she?
Enjoy while she is little because soon she is going to be 3 inches taller than you and loves wearing high heels.
She graduated from high school last year and she is taking a gap year before pursuing to the school for her dream in animation industry.
She is probably feeling a bit left out because we are so busy trying to treat her little sister’s arthritis. Give a big kiss for her for me and tell her that I’m very proud of her. She would love to hear you telling her that you are proud of her. I noticed that I wasn’t very good at expressing that enough, it made her wander a little.

Our husband? Is he there? Tell him to quit smoking! He might have been quitting for a while but he started smoking again. Although, he lost 40lbs recently. “Pandemic” we’ve been going through forced him to go out of job and changed his life style. The life style change was great. It helped him change his eating habit and loose weight but it’s been very stressful and frustrating. I hope we can see the end of the tunnel soon.
Our husband is getting some gray hair and wrinkles around his eyes. You might want to invest on a good anti-wrinkle cream early for him haha.

Me? Wrinkles? Nah...but be careful going down the stairs in the house and walking on the wet outdoor tile flooring just out side of your door, going in the laundry room with your crocs and to your balcony. I would get rid of those crocs. They slip easily walking on wet flooring. I think I fell at least 7 times last past 10 years. The last one was just the other day on the 4th of January 2021. We were having heavy rain fall and our balcony drain was covered with some leaves. I wore my gum boots which are usually not so slippery to clear the drain but we had our balcony covered with algae. I slipped and landed on my bottom. My body ached for a while. I usually don’t get hurt badly but I’m pretty sure some of the stiffness and soreness of my hands are from these falls.
You might not believe me but I have some hobbies now and having stiff hands is really slowing me down.
I learned to play a guitar...although, I haven’t been playing lately. I should practice again. I started drawing some years ago as well. I’m mostly drawing fan art of anime characters. Yes, anime. You are probably having hard time imagining yourself watching anime but you will see. It’ll come to you.
Is your oldest daughter watching ONE PIECE (anime)? Hmmm...probably in another 2, 3 years, you will be making her to watch the show to learn Japanese then you get addicted instead.
Omg...there are so many things that I want to tell you but I think I will end it here for now. You can write me back if you would like. I will write you again if I have a chance.
Please give big hugs and kisses to our family for me. Oh, and our dog! Djynn! Awww....she must be getting old. Tell her I love her and give her extra pat. Please take care.

10 years older yourself


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!



OMG!!! @whatisnew !!! I miss her, too... <3 I hope to see her active again... I especially miss her photography posts...

Thanks for joining the contest with me sis... I'm glad we could do this again. We used to join a bunch of contests years ago, especially anime-related ones. haha~

Also, you must be so proud our your daughters... I sometimes see @justaboutart 's posts on IG and her artworks are as awesome as ever!!! For sure, she'd do well in the animation industry someday. <3

Ohh~ @super-em ... Such a lovely girl. I didn't know that she had that condition, but she's strong and can overcome it.. ^^ I miss her drawings... hehe~

And your hubby @openparadigm ... It was fun interacting with him before, too! ^^

Your family is awesome, sis!!! <3 I hope everything goes well for all of us. Take care~ <3

I was like "no way I can write the letter to myself" and then "omg I can't stop writing!" Lol It was fun! Thanks sis!

Right? hahaha~ I didn't expect my post to be very long... I was just shocked afterwards.. lol~

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