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RE: I Hate Dog-Like Loyalty - You Might Hate It Too!

in BDCommunity3 years ago

This one is too much relatable if we look around.
In my college days, I have seen a lot of "Boro Bhai" in politics and polapine are ready to sacrifice everything for them. No matter it's raining or on a hot sunny day, bhai has a protocol so I must be there before time. They don't give a shit about their own daily schedule, missing classes, wasting time for nothing just some showoffs. I just hate these kinda people, in the end, they are left to regret life.
If you wanna do politics then do it in such a way that you can take a position for yourself otherwise it's just useless.


Bhai these people are everywhere! Good to know that you are motivated to do politics. May God bless you to survive in such a filthy envionment!