Perspective on Gratitude.

in BDCommunity2 months ago


Let your words not be without a heart
Even though sometimes your heart may be without words
I would rather my heart without words than my words without a heart
Looking around and deeply enough, ring your praises through the earth
Let your praises ring through His holy court
Dance like no one is looking even with your best dress or shirt
It takes a heart deep in gratitude to have thanksgiving blurt
Even in the midst of obvious confusion and hurt
There is always something to be thankful for, don't keep it short
Life will either bless you or bury you depending on your perspective
An attitude of gratitude will turn your life into the beatitudes
Another day, another month, still in another year
There is nothing else to fear or nothing to look down to tear
Courage isn't the absence of fear but the presence of it yet the will goes on
Ability to be thankful in the midst of obvious uncertainties help
It stems from the place of deeper understanding of who God is
Not influence by the variable factors of how life deals with us
God is still the same God, in good times and not so good moments
When the chips are down, who do you look up to or you encourage side comments?
Job was still grateful even in the midst of the devil's torments
Life can't be perfect and there would be moments of doubts and unpleasantness
The place or people you turn to determines in what and who you anchor your faith
The year is creeping slowly yet unsuspecting
Your heart's attitude of gratitude makes good things not go undetecting
Never absord other people's realities by having their fears on your projecting
God for all but only with each man's heart we do the connecting
Gratitude is an application for the next...keeps you expecting
And never of God's goodness can you leave neglecting
It's another month, another day to be grateful - this is directing
Let this poem or words leave you reflecting
Your gratitude or lack of it despite present realities
Is majorly dependent on your perspective to life and gratitude
Just as much as our exposure shapes our realities
It all depends on you and how you choose to react or respond to it

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


The Yorubas would say it takes someone who can think deep to understand how to be grateful. There would always be unpleasant moments in life but we have to see the positive side and trust God. There is always something to be grateful for. I am grateful to God for life, family and general blessings. I am trusting Him for more. Thank you for this.

If we think deeper, there is always something to be thankful for. Whatever you thank God for increases. It's an attitude we need to have. God loves gratitude.

You are right. It is about the attitude. There is a way gratitude will shape your perspective and give you better understanding about life. God loves gratitude. I love that too.

Thank you very much and thank you for being here always. I appreciate your kind comments and the understanding you displayed too. Thank you.

There is so much importance attached to showing gratitude and you have stated many for anyone who cares to learn.

Even the scriptures said we should let our praise exceed request. Showing gratitude is a habit and it's something worth encouraging people to emulate.

It's a good habit to adopt. A good attitude to have. The Bible even told us that a grateful heart would be enlarged. We always have things to be grateful for.

We have always learned something new from your words and also you have mentioned many special things in this post, so it is true that if we have a good attitude towards others and help them, they will help us. The world will do in the same way as the elders used to say that you will get what you do, so we are seeing that example coming true in the world, so it is better to always help each other so that all people life can be easy.

Being grateful shapes the way we see life...the way we see things and others. It's a way of life we should adopt. Gratitude changes our perspective.

One thing I have actually come to discover about this thing called gratitude is that it actually flows from the inside. What do I mean by that, it start from the heart and then flow downwards. We must be grateful to God both for the little and the big things in our lifes. Daily when we wake up, we should be grateful to God and also not to men alone also. We should be grateful to men also. People God is using for us to keep moving the kingdom forward and forward.

It starts from inside...inward as you rightly said. What comes from the heart touches the heart. A grateful heart sees things differently, no doubt.

Perfectly said. The gratitude start from the inside as that is where it will actually flows to. Our heart must be the heart of gratitude as that is where and when we can actually appreciate the true gratitude and something that we have around us. That is the power of gratitude. The value will increase

Gratitude makes us see things larger and better than it is. It's a wonderful view to have and it enlarges our heart too. Thank you very much for this valuable contribution.

That's very true. Gratitude makes us see things bigger and larger and gives us the privilege to have access to things that originally we will not have access to at the very instance and that is why we must really be careful how we handle things that was given to us. We must always have an heart of gratitude every single time no matter come may be

When we care for each other and help each other, no person in this world will be left hungry on the street, and in the same way every person will help each other when another person needs anything. If there is a need and it will be fulfilled, then the world can be prosperous, we just have to keep helping each other in the same way.

Gratitude makes us appreciate every little help better and having a grateful heart is the start because grateful heart is a product of a kind heart.

In the same way, we should do everything from our heart and in the same way, we should treat others with a lot of love and affection, it will make everyone's life a little easier.

Very great post my friend how always, we should always have gratitude at all times, be graced with everything we have and I don't mean material only, and all the people around us play a vital role in our life and we should always be grateful to you my friend because with your posts in one way or another we grow in thought, in short gratitude is the memory of our heart, thanks for sharing this great posts, I wish you a great start of the month to you and yours my friend ♥

We should be grateful for everything we have, both the things we can see or the things we can't...both the materials and the spiritual. It's all about the attitude of the heart.

We should be grateful for everything we have, both the things we can see or the things we can't...both the materials and the spiritual. It's all about the attitude of the heart.

Exactly, if we have enough gratitude, everything we have, we will definitely have a better attitude towards life, no matter what situation we are in, as long as we are grateful beings everything will be made much easier in life ♥

As long as we are grateful... exactly. It makes it easier to go through life and bear whatever situation we find ourselves or life throws at us. Brilliant.

Yes brother I learned it a little late in my life but it's never too late to be grateful and start from scratch, that's why we must have gratitude at all times of our existence ♥

Your pen speaks volumes of your writing skills..
You are exceptional in word craftsmanship.
I salute your skills.

To be grateful is very important in life.
If Job wasn't grateful and cursed God..
His end would have been very pitiful

Thank you very much and I deeply appreciate your kind words. I am encouraged and thank you for being here. Indeed, gratitude is a state of the heart.

I am happy
Gratitude Is indeed a state of the heart.

Beautiful lines you've got there. This write up conveys so many messages that's apt for our daily existence on Earth. Only a man with a kind heart can develop the art of gratitude.


I absolutely agree with you. A kind heart finds it easy to be grateful for many things and everything. Be kind...then gratitude would flow. Love this.

Being alive alone is even something we should be grateful for even though it may look like things are falling apart
I’m grateful for everything including the ones I don’t take seriously
I’m grateful for love

Being alive...with being alive, a lot of things are built on it. Most people take it for granted...being alive is a huge blessing and shouldn't be taken for granted. Love this.

Scrolling through, I saw this post with my name (Gratitude) lol
Gratitude is a habit that sometimes goes under the radar, a lot of ungratefulness, a lot of complaints without pausing to be grateful for the life we have, the friends we have or the health we have.
This is a timely reminder to all who care to listen; the attitude of gratitude will increase your magnitude and altitude in any institute unlike ingratitude.

Brilliant... absolutely brilliant and I love how you used that there too... Thank you for being here and glad we both share the same view. Gratitude is huge and should be our default state of the heart.

Thanks for the compliment, I appreciate.

Gratitude is huge and should be our default state of the heart.

Indeed, it should be our default state of heart, one can never go wrong with Gratitude

We can never go wrong with gratitude. It's a way of life we should all adopt because it gives us better view on life. Thank you very much.

Very correct, thank you too. I enjoyed the interaction

It is a fact that every person in the world today is worried especially because of inflation and there are many other problems in this life so here I would like to say that if any other person helps us. If he gives, we are very happy. The help does not necessarily have to be in the form of giving us money. It also inspires a lot and gives a lot of heartfelt joy.

A lot is going on with the world and the first approach is to be grateful for the life we have because with that, we can tackle whatever comes next. It's a good attitude to have which makes it easier to appreciate even the little anyone gives to us.

You are absolutely right, but if we keep thinking about the time taken in this way, then life as it is will become a little easier.

No matter how small or big it is, it is always a great thing to show gratitude and have this appreciation heart towards everything. It does not take anything to be grateful. It shows an acknowledgement that you still want more and value what has been done. A grateful man is a man that is been celebrated much more

That's should be a natural state for us...most people take being grateful for granted and they wonder why certain doors are closed. We should be grateful for what we have and all we get. It increases when we do...

It should be natural and flows from our lifestyle no matter what. It should be enforced. It should be our daily living. We should live around and be grateful to what we are been blessed with including those that are in human resources and even nature. We should be grateful to nature

We should be grateful about everything. Looking deeply, we would always have reasons to be grateful. Grateful to God, to life, to nature, family and all we have around us.

Perfectly said. We should be grateful for everything whether they are small or big, we should be grateful to God and for people that God has blessed us with. With that manner, we will see the values that lies in it and appreciate it much more than before

I am agree with you. Some people might not find it easy to feel grateful, especially when dealing with tough challenges . In these situations, simply telling someone to be grateful may not be realistic or helpful, as their struggles could be complex and require more support and understanding.

Whatever struggle and complexities one faces, if you are not grateful for what has been done for you, there is no way you would get more. It's because of the complexity of the issues they are facing that would even make them appreciate every little help that comes because they know how long they have waited for that help.

Gratitude, a word that contains humility, it is easy to say, I thank you, when you say this, committed people feel good, one for receiving the thanks and the other for doing something that someone appreciated

Gratitude definitely contains humility...very true my friend. Gratitude isn't gratitude until it's felt from the wonder they say what comes from the heart touches the heart.

Thank you, my friend.