"Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come."

in BDCommunity2 years ago (edited)

Green is something that attracts everyone, right? It's a natural healer. Feeling down? Go close to nature and you will feel better- this is the simplest solution for me.


The place where I live, we who do gardening at home has our connection. Like we exchange seeds, plant cutting, our small knowledge, and more. It feels great when someone comes to visit my balcony garden, appreciates it,t and takes some seeds/cutting from me. It's nothing much but it feels great.



Just like that, I got an invitation from one of my neighbors to visit her garden the other day. No need to say, I was overwhelmed. Because here in this city, people don't contract/communicate without emergency just like any other megacities. So getting an invitation to visit anyone's garden is kinda a big deal.

They got a huge garden on their rooftop that's full of different plants and herbs. It's great to see how they are growing all different fruits and herbs. As for some herbs they don't have to depend on the market. Isn't it a great thing?

This is the herb I'm talking about. It's called Gotu kola/kodavan/Indian pennywort/থানকুনি পাতা. It's full of different health benefits.



Also, they got a huge collection of different flower plants as well. But what attracted me most is the herbs. I also got some as a gift. And she shared with me how I can grow some at my home too. Maybe soon I will start doing so.

Not only that, growing our fruit at home is something extraordinary, especially when we usually can't have any without pesticides.

It was a refreshing afternoon with all the greens around us. We had some tea on the rooftop as well. They got some benches over there. With the warmth of the afternoon sun and the tea, it felt like a perfect day after many many days.

All this reminded me about the quote I shared on the title - "Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come."
~A Chinese Proverb.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.

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I love the title along with the pictures of those beautiful leaves.

Thanks a lot for saying so.

WOW! This is a great post, I took my times in following it lines by lines, it it so interesting.

That means you must have been a professional in the gardening niche, it is not easy to receive an invitation into someone garden but you were contacted, that means you are more than great in that area, awesome.

Thanks for saying so. It's my pleasure that you take the time to go through my post throughly.
Have a good day.

Have a nice day too

oh i like the color green too, it makes me feel good, it's nice to have a garden in the house, it really makes us feel cool :D

Great to hear that you also like green and nature, I mean who doesn't?
Have a great day ☀️🌸

Greenery is peace of mind to me. I've started doing some planting too and I'm really into aloe vera so I'd use it for my hair. I see yours are all grown and beautiful. Weldone 🥰

Good to hear about your experience. Those are not from my garden but I wish so 😁

I know you can grow such greenery too🥰

i love the title

Thanks for saying so :)

Oh! Have you ever try Gotu kola Juice! I think it's a king of Bitter leaves!!!!!! 😆
Even their benefit that has been used to boost health since the ancient time, but I can't drink it at all!😅

Yeah, I have tried it once and maybe will not take another chance. haha...
But people make mashed/curry by adding a lot of chili and onion, I heard that it tastes a bit better that way.
That's the reason I don't plant this at my home. But it had many health benefits.

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I hope so.
Thanks for adding your words.