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RE: The Weekly Turni—Issue 98

in BDCommunitylast year

Taka lagbe taka, Rafa, na hoile keo daam dey na. Oneke abar chabe j taka kamao ar tader taka dao, taka deyar por abar tomar kharap o chabe.

So I'd rather keep my circle small. That big circle and all these friends and relatives can take a hike for now. Those who mean a lot to you, true friends and family, they'll stay beside you no matter what, even if you're not meeting and talking every damn day. And even if you meet them after years or even a decade or so, the bond will still be as strong.


Taka lagbe taka, Rafa, na hoile keo daam dey na.

Harsh truth!

And yeah, that's the true thing indeed. Your truly close peep will always remain close, no matter what comes. I believe in that too 💙

 last year  
